MovieChat Forums > Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (2014) Discussion > Why is okay to broadcast blasphemy on th...

Why is okay to broadcast blasphemy on the airwaves

How did this anti-Christian nonsense get approved? We know that science that conflicts with the Bible is not science, it is LIES. Go to the Creation Museum for some real verifiable science.


"Go to the Creation Museum for some real verifiable science."

Haha. Yea? Like the notion that animals crossed oceans on "natural rafts" made from floating logs?

Or maybe you mean the notion that man, and dinosaur, lived harmoniously together? And how dinosaurs like the T-Rex, were herbivores?

Yup. You're right. That is some seriously verifiable science right there.


No, I think he meant the notion of a talking snake luring lusty Eve away from godliness.


Welcome to the 21st Century, where bloodletting, burning people at the stakes, feudalism, and chastity belts are no longer water cooler talks.


How did this anti-Christian nonsense get approved?
Approved by whom?

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it." - Yogi Berra


Why is it OK to air religious nonsense?

Yo momma


by noplay » Sat Dec 6 2014 21:53:17 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since November 2004
Post Edited: Sat Dec 6 2014 21:58:01
How did this anti-Christian nonsense get approved? We know that science that conflicts with the Bible is not science, it is LIES. Go to the Creation Museum for some real verifiable science.

I would suggest that it's more anti-dogma and anti-ignorance, not anti-Christian as such. Regrettably Christianity, like all faiths, relies on dogma and not scientific fact for societal truths.
