MovieChat Forums > Comrade Kim Goes Flying (2021) Discussion > Reviewer concerned about propaganda

Reviewer concerned about propaganda

probably doesn't see the enormous propaganda of american way of life in MANY US classics and still nowadays.

Aside that. I didn't like this movie much also.
Too many problems with the montage.


No, the propaganda is not very heavy at all.


According to the standard way the word is used in the US, "propaganda" means "espousing a different political view than the standard mainstream American political views". American movies and American media in general are full to bursting with propaganda. There's hardly a commercial break on TV without a commercial glorifying the US military as the saviors of the whole world's freedom, or even funnier, as "a global force for good" (apparently we live in a cartoon). Basically, capitalist/imperialist propaganda is just fine, accepted as the sort of "natural" way of thinking, whereas socialist propaganda is bad because it departs from the "natural" ideology, i.e the ideology endorsed by the ruling class and official narratives of the US.

The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of history.
-Mao Zedong


Not a lot of propaganda, but the main character is a major biotch. She's rude, a liar, a cheat and a thief. And the acrobat guy was supposed to be some sort of bad guy for being totally right about her bad performance.
