MovieChat Forums > La grande bellezza (2014) Discussion > Am I the only one who found it boring an...

Am I the only one who found it boring and didn't like it?

I think just the director of photography and production design did a good job to make beautiful scenes and with some beautiful songs. But the movie itself wasn't touchable to me at all. If it was supposed to be a fictional movie, so why did they try to talk about real things. I didn't find it realistic. And when I came to this message board, I was shocked that everybody calls it a great peace of work. It was very boring movie too. It's just my opinion and I don't mean to snub another people opinion. I just want to know that why do you like it and am I the only one who found it very boring?

<<A bitter ending is better than an endless bitterness>>
About Elly.Asghar Farhadi


No, you're not alone.


Dear Anahitash, Thanks for writing. You and I agree completely about this movie. So, I'm not the only one who found
it boring! Sincerely, Red-125


It's not surprising that many people found it boring due to lack of "story", or think their "opinions" mean much. But I don't. get why so many jackasses went to watch this movie in the first place. It's like going to Prado museum and complaining they didnt have a cut out of Transformers, or going to a gourmet restaurant and complaining the menu didnt have grits.


Dear JLB, Thanks for your reply. I didn't understand exactly the thrust of your comments. Did you enjoy the movie or not?
Incidentally, when we were last in Madrid, we spent five days at the Prado. I hope you are not comparing La grande bellezza to one of the greatest art museums in the world. Red-125


Actually, I thought it captured perfectly the fatuous posturing of the modern "art" world. The cinematography of the various scenes in Rome couldn't save it from vapid pomposity masquerading as "style." No wonder Hollywood liked it.


Dear 2jvd, Thanks for writing. I guess that makes two of us who didn't like it! Red-125


agree with you completely ..



You do know that your points are exactly the points that the movie itself makes at the end, and that your interpretation of this supposed "epiphany" (which actually isn't an epiphany at all, but a change that slowly happens through the whole movie's length) is definitely wrong, don't you?
And you do realize that your remark "A movie should show, not tell" is laughable at best, and complete nonsense at worst? You do know that, right? Or you want me to tell you why? There should be no need for me to tell you that, because a person with your level of culture and such knowledge of film-making, and who can spell Fellini correctly, doesn't need me to tell him that a film can be made in thousands different ways, it can show, tell, lie, twist things around, drag for 4 hours or say everything it needed to say in 15 minutes. No film-maker on earth would read your comment and take it seriously, you do realize that, don't you?

For your sake, I hope you do.



Another little ignorant runs for cover. Eheh.


I found it a bit boring for the first 45 min's or so but then after he put Stefanie in her place I liked it. I stayed with it for the remainder and I'm glad I did. I thought it was a fine film.


I'm italian and I don't think this movie accomplishes ANYTHING in an artistic, narrative or technical way. It's just a mediocre, overrated movie that won an Oscar thanks to favours, politics and internal hollywood dynamics that we'll never be aware of.



Disagree, I think maybe is a film for older audiences as it verses about growing old and nostalgic over the things you did with your life and what you came to realize about your country, the place you live, the people you used to know and your expectations about them. The whole 'king of mundane' take is quite brilliant is you ask me, as you get to know characters in their 60-something that act beside the movie cliches or stereotypes of the older people you normally get in other movies. It too has great stunning visuals of Rome both indoor and outdoors, that go great with the idea of this 2500~ years old decadent city that's basically a palimpsest of every aspect of italian and also western society.

I feel that, after Andrea demise, the movie pacing gets really interesting, as Jep starts thereafter to break all of his own mundanity rules which I think is an awesome take on the whole subject

I get the feeling that you may also find it boring because of cultural differences. Maybe is a movie about latin heritage and it hits home better if you belong to that culture.

Well anyways, those are my reasons to enjoy this movie a lot.


About 40 minutes into the movie I realized it wasn't going to "go" anywhere. There was no big question to be resolved. But I had enjoyed what I had seen so far and I had plenty of beer so I watched and enjoyed the rest of it. Yeah, it was slow, but it was pretty.
