worst town ever?

are there any nice people who live there?


Rose seemed like a nice person.



lol. So nice she somehow knew to puncture a corpses lungs so that the body doesn’t float.

I like that she was kept a mysterious figure.

All that talk from Clarke about circles makes me wonder if he ever met Rust.


I like that she was kept a mysterious figure.

I'd at least like to know what kind of a Professor Rose was and what kind of articles she wrote (which could have easily been presented to us in the same way as the backgrounds of the other Scientist were ...simply by having Navarro ask Pete to do a search of Professors).

So ... let's compare ROSE to Clark:

Clark was someone willing to kill Travis and others who got cancer from the pollution ...

and he was also responsible for the deaths of the still born infants, etc.

Therefore, doesn't her knowledge of how to puncture the lungs of an already dead man seem mild in comparison to this other group of MEN ... who were willing to kill as many people and animals in Ennis as necessary ... in order to ELEVATE their STATUS to being so called "SAVOIRS of the WORLD."

The EGO of these guys is ASTOUNDING. Who the hell do they think they are to decide who lives and who dies??? GODS???

They're no better than the NAZI's who performed experiments on people during WW2, or the other group who performed experiments on people here in the US:


Tuskegee Study - Timeline - CDC - OS

WebLearn about the history and impact of the Tuskegee Study, a study by the USPHS to record the natural history of syphilis in 600 Black men from 1932 to 1973. The study was controversial and ethically unjustified

At least Rose had an ETHICAL CODE that could be JUSTIFIED.

And since Travis was the father of RUST, and Clark had been in ENNIS for at least 15 yrs, and the GHOST of Travis cared enough to show Rose how to find the bodies, I'd say chances are pretty good that Clark met Travis (who probably also passed on the "TIME is FLAT CIRCLE" line to both his son and to Clark).


It looks like an easy place to take a nap if you have a cozy warm room. Also the aurora makes up for all the bleakness and bad company.


Its based on places like Kotzebue & Nome Alaska! Not fun town...


Kayla, Prior's wife. All she wanted was for him to be there and in their son's life.

Gorgeous actress, by the way.
