Questions (Open Spoilers)

So was Alex really Scarlett's retarded brother all along? Was he dreaming his revenge or was she dreaming that he could rise from the dead and kill her as she deserved? I enjoyed the movie but it is a little confusing. I assume that the Hooded Man was what Alex, or rather the brother, eventually became and that he was doomed to spend eternity killing and burying all the incarnations of his sister. But what role does Ted Levine as the dad play in all this?

Does anyone have a firmer take on what's happening in the movie?

And why the hell won't IMDB let me vote on this? Every time I try I get 'Sorry, there was a problem'.


I just finished watching this amazing movie, and have a lot of similar questions. The creators were Clearly influenced by David Lynch's work, but still was it's own film. Still much like Lynch movies/stories, I think some of these questions Cannot be answered, it was Meant to be very ambiguous; many things are all only left up to the viewer.

Still I believe Some of the trickier questions Can be answered; I think it requires multiple viewings to figure the answers out. First, regarding being able to vote/rate, I don't even See a place to vote yet, as it hasn't been released widespread yet. Idk for certain, but that's the only reason I can think of as to why it isn't open to voting yet. That aside, the father I feel he was Why Jena's character was so messed up enough to torture/murder a handicapped cousin. He is presented as one of those Total Phoney TV preachers, who many have been exposed (others you can just the ones who sit in literal golden Thrones all day in top designer clothing; as they beg for your money for God..smfh..) as just using religion to trick people; typicaly out of their money; as they get a new multimillion dollar estate/ect. I feel he represented a hypocritical "televangelist," who even stated/admited he hit her on occasions. That abuse aside, there could have been other abuse, or just having a father like that made her slowly snap as a kid/become evil herself. This movie I noticed had several things that I felt were Deeply symbolic involving spiritual things in general. Look under trivia, as why the film was titled; that Realy made me believe the film had some deep hidden things regarding a myriad of spiritual references. I mean I know we're all supossed to believe this was all a dream; but I felt it actualy was Hell they were in, or a "hell type place"/plain ofeexistence. Just my theory though. (Most all of this is..) They Realy kept pushing the father's church had a RED cross/crosses, also Jena's character wore a red cross around her neck at one point. How Often do you see people who wear red crosses or see churches that have Bright Red crosses?..I don't realy see that often at all; so that color (imo) is definitely meant to be a spiritually symbolic thing. Or it simply could be that Red is associated with blood/murder in this story. But in Many different spiritual belief systems, mainly is more pagan type beliefs/what people call "nee age" (yet most of it if you look it up, is actually Ancient Age things.ha..), the color red means "The Root Chakra," of the human body. To Try and summarize what that means for those who don't (which this can be Googled for kore info if you wish..), well the belief is "chakras" are different types of energy flowing through all of our bodies. (they arn't literally Visable..) There's actualy 1000's of them; but there are 7 MAIN ones, that form a line from where you're genetals are, up through where your heart is located (that would be the Heart Chakra, obviously..), and all the was to the top of your head; that one would be the "Crown Chakra." It is the most Powerful, and if it is um.."working properly," along with all other 7; you are fully "enlightened." (I'm doing this Very Basic here as I said..) All 7 starting at the one near the groin area of the body (the one I'm saying all this for in context to the film/color Red..), it is Red, next, in order is orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo blue (dark blue bassicly), and the crown is violet. In a way the order of the main colors in a rainbow or rays of light when shined though a crystal. (which crystals are what a lot of this has to do with..) The 1st one near the groin area, the Red one is the "Root Chakra." It is Why I feel the color red was so symbolic in the film. To be "fully enlightened"/fully at your um.."best" as a human in your life all these chakras must be "Aligned," all working properly. For the green Heart chakra, you must have love and not hate (I'm VERY much so trying to make this understandable, shortening a Lot though..), the Indigo Blue, "Third Eye" chakra your mind must be Fully open and see the world for what it All is in a positive light, and so on. *sigh*

The 1st Red "Root chakra" represents ALL of us as humans and our most Basic and PRIMAL natures. There's a Reason it's located near the genitals; it's Basic desires, such as sexual drive (just to Have sex, love has Nothing to do with it; you have to have the Heart and other chakras in "order" to have sex and be in love; otherwise it's just Raw/Instict of desire and nothing more. Btw I this All IS getting to a Point(s) about this movie!.ha.), the desire of Self Preservation such as Defending yourself, even if it means Killing another human, many other Primal things we All have. In the chakra belief system, you must have all 7 in "line"/ect and then you will Use all of your Mind to defend yourself, and may not need to literally Kill to defend yourself. But if JUST your Root/red chakra is All your thinking with (most people may not be Fully aligned chakra-wise; but Do posses different degrees of intelligence, rationality, ect.) you base/Root insticts; you basically behave or Are Fully like a Wild Animal. In regards to sex, killing, taking care of your body, like how you eat, and so on. This is the chakra that tells you (like the cliche of an angel and devil on each shoulder; this would be the "devil" or Total Animalistic side talking to you/yourself.), to do WHATEVER You Want, F all consequences, be completely Selfish, ect. This is again reprented by the Color Red. It is what makes people do stupid things (of varying degrees..) bassicly!!

It's what made Jena's character just do whatever she wanted, no matter how evil she Knew, just didn't Care. She said in her little confession while taking shots at the beginning of the film; "I just started to F with him.." She was aware she was torturing this helpless/innocent person, and even got progressively worse; but didn't Care and acted as an Animal with No Regard. She then, not even in self defense, but Just For Fun, Killed the person. Like kids (or adults/ect..) who just "Decide" for No Apparent Reason to start Bullying a kid at school, it's the Same Concept on a lower scale than murder (obviously), and often kids (who Are Younger, and Don't Care; they're kids!!) tend to "gang up" on one person; which makes it even MORE Animalistic!!

Her character Clearly, just opperated only using her root chakra when she was "younger. But eh, she killed herself Pretty soon after getting away with it as she says at the end; but we don't know how Long Exactly her Conscience, another Higher Chakra if you will, kicked in. Now her father's church had these Very Unusual bright Red crosses, and like I said even she wore a glowing red cross on her neck while "evily" looking at the camera/her lover (imo), or actualy brother she killed. But the I Believe the odd choice to have this Abusive, Corrupt preacher have red crosses represented he lived his life only operating using his Red/Root Chakra. That's why they were such a specific color, not to just be visually neat in the film (though it was..), but this movie has So Much symbolism; and that was just on the Father's church/crosses. Which Did in fact have do with spiritual and religious themes. As I said his "Animalistic" behavior such as hitting his daughter and I Suspect Much other things she had to put up with, with a father like that. She was a case of the Abused Becoming the Abuser; which sadly happens Often. Also she wanted to make Others who were Not "root chakra-Only" people, Like Herself Become a raging Animal as well!! Sure she Wanted some kind of "twisted penance," by Begging her lover (I believe it Was her boyfriend, not the brother; but That's a whole other essay!!) to Brutally Kill her with the shovel at the end. But look how she STILL was "evil" or like a freaking Animal about it!! She Cruelly screamed at him, even her behavior when the film "switched" to her as a "stranger" as the neighbor; it was Totally Cruell and certainly the Opposite of Love. He was using his other chakras..or we can just say Being A Decent Human at this point, I only brought up chakras due to the red crosses and those characters/the Higly spiritual themes in this movie. He Loved her, and She Denounced it totaly, and as her own father helped her make the choice to become as twisted/"un-Love" as him; she wanted to make the man that Loved her into Hate/A Murderous "Animal." (If he truly was the cousin; it's still the Same only the Love would just not be of the romantic typeis all; Same Concept.) Which in the end; he did. That is Why I feel this movie is Tricking us All, much like the characters themselves, into thinking it was all a Dream. I felt/theorize it was more like "hell" or some messed up purgatory. Which would Fit with the Heavy spiritual/religious tones. And the Subconscious mind DOES have Much to do with most All religions/spiritual belief systems!!

But hey this is all theories, that I feel there was enough to back most of it up; specifically the red thing and Animalistic Murder as a huge theme of this. So yeah many of those other questions, some I have theories on/what I believe as "answers," others I feel are Totaly Ambiguous and left up to the Veiwer; but maybe another time I'll write about my thoughts on those..probably after viewing this film at Least a 2nd time. But there's my thoughts/opinions on the "corrupt preacher," and truly Awful father. Whyn was he There in the "dream," if you believe what the movie leads us to believe, hell or whatever? Well maybe he killed himself after his daughter and his soul is trapped there too; or he Was a big part of Jena's character's life, therefore would Surely be in her dream or hell. If it even was JUST Her dream/hell/ect..I kinda think her, her lover, the coisin, the father perhaps, and All the main characters were All "trapped" in this hell-place. Other than the "2nd girlfriend," I don't understand her purpose too well in the film; even if it Definitely was a dream even. Maybe if it WAS ALL Jena's character's dream/hell, the Little bit of good maybe wanted to see her true love with a woman who will treat him Right? But I find that hard to believe, as she was pretty evil though All of the film..who knows. OH & I Just now realized this regarding Red/root chakra symbolism. The Sex Scene in the 1st act of the film; was shot (beautifully as far as direction!!) In mostly all RED Lighting. ha. Yeah I'm pretty sure the creators of the film knew about and made symbolism involving the color red (and Many other deeper things/symbolism..), and it was certainly Intentional. Anyway that's all I have to say for Now regarding Some Possible answers (forcus on the father mostly..) for this mind scrambling, but Stunning movie!!



You just wrote a novel on a bad film . I don't know if it's an achievement or it's very sad . I lost interest and 50 pages in .


Looks like this movie is so bad they won't even burn it off this month.


Why did you think it was a bad film?

"In your opinion?"
"Um, yes your honor, in my opinion."



Yeah I write a lot, ur point?? I write a lot to practice for a career I pursue, and if One or whatever pf the Millions on this site decides to actualy be cool and know why am I Bothering justifying/giving my reasons why I write/write a lot?..Why even bother replying just to be Rude? Its USERS LIKE YOU THAT IS WHY IMDB IS GETTING RID OF THE FORUMS; Great F ing Job!! You people just HAVE to be rude, talk trash to others for No reason other than To Be Rude. Why even bother reading a Long post (even if you "stopped reading 50pgs in"..oh you're SO F ing Clever and hysterical!! *applause*) on a movie you didn't like? F You.

Yes I'm taking my anger out on You..idc. Because now I can no longer have Actual COOL, Meaningful, Interesting conversations as I HAVE Had over the years with actual neat people on here. I don't feel like conversating on fb, redit, and all the Lame social media Trash that people like you pathetically live for probably. So again; F you and Thanks again for Being Part of the reasons the forums here are gone; you arrogant, pretentious, rude peice of trash!! I've always been respectful or just ignored posters like you, but why bother being nice and decent, Now that the forums will be gone.

Thanks Again For Help Making That Happen You *beep*.

Last post; I'd rather speak in person with people about films then resort to lame social media Full of pretentious little kids ..And discussing small films like that I can't fine anyone who's seen like this one in Real Life..I guess I'm just F ed. Oh well, I'll live.

And THANKS To All the Rascist, Mysogonist, Homophobic, ect posters on here who Also helped make these boards have to go; I hope you're all happy!!

A True and Non-Sarcastic THANKS to All Truly awesome, rational, open minded posters on here who I have (or havn't) had the pleasure of discussing films with over the years!! Many of us, our ideas and opinions May have even differed or been different; but we Still respected each other and our opinions, and still had some Realy Wonderful/Interesting/ect conversations on here over all these years!! Thanks to all the rational and decent posters!, I'll miss conversating on here with you all!! :)


You're an idiot.


That's a lot of words!


I appreciate your thought but IMHO, it was all in Scarlett's mind before she killed herself because of her guilt. You're writing needs some work, like why all the random caps? Also, it's "etc", not "ect".


Why do people say brother. He was her cousin.
