David is the key

It seems that David’s behavior and actions in the films explain the reason why the Engineers wanted to kill humanity and what was “wrong” with humans in the eyes of the engineers. David can’t accept his imperfections which is what drives him to kill Walter. Also David being a creation by humans becomes more intelligent and wiser than humans and thus a threat to them just as humans become wiser and more intelligent than the engineers become a threat to their engineer creators.


"just as humans become wiser and more intelligent than the engineers become a threat to their engineer creators."

I like this Idea. I wouldn't say threat 'cause of 'getting wiser', but intelligent & technologically advanced, hence a threat to the Engineers, yes.

My theory is that the Engineers seeded life in various planets across the universe. The humans in some planet (other than Earth & Planet 4) got so much technologically advanced & greedy that they happened to wage a war with the Engineers. The Engineers won, but in the process their world was devastated. They realized that their creation was faulty. The few surviving group of Engineers decided to destroy all humans they ever created everywhere and correct/undo what they did. But the weapon which they made turned on them and we see what happened next in Prometheus & Covenant.
