Who Else Do You Want to See on It?

What other people would you like to see on it? Here's my personal list:

1) Chappelle (This would be my top choice because, honestly, no one's standup has ever made me laugh more than his. And his sketch show speaks for itself. The problem is that he's so elusive and out of the public eye nowadays, he might be hard to get.)

2)Julia Louis-Dreyfus (She's the only Seinfeld co-star they haven't had yet.)

3) Bob Saget (Saw him do standup while in college. He was ripping on everyone in the audience, and it was great. He's funny and FILTHY--far from the nice guy sitcom dad he was on Full House.)

4) Jon Stewart and/or Steven Colbert (Would be funny/interesting to have some political humor.)

5) Cosby (A legit standup and TV legend, and he'd probably have good stories.)

6) Cheech and Chong (Whether or not you're a fan of their particular brand of humor, these guys are legendary comedians. And they'd probably also have some funny stories.)

7) Jeff Foxworthy or Ron White (Before you groan, just know that these guys are a lot brighter than the people they make fun of in their material. And it'd be someone radically different from the other people who have been on the show.)

Does anyone else have people they'd like to see on the show?


7. That would be interesting. I think those guys are very meta in that the audience doesn't realize the joke is on them.

I'd like to see:

Conan Obrien - Won't happen

Eddie Izzard - I don't think he and Jerry run in the same circles.

Louis Black - Could be fun

Larry David again - That ep was too much fun. I want more.


I'd love to see Conan Obrien on the show! How come you don't think it will happen, DragonGK?


Bill Cosby
Garry Shandling
Bill Burr
Ray Romano
Steve Carell
Steve Martin


Bill Burr
Tom Greene
Eugene Levy
Bill Murray
Norm MacDonald
Kevin Nealon
Andy Richter
Harland Williams
Chevy Chase
Brad Garrett
Eric Idle
Bill Maher
Henry Rollins
Robin Williams
Martin Short
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Steve Carrell
Sasha Baron Cohen
Conan O'Brien
Artie Lange
Jim Florentine
Steve Martin
Simon Pegg
Harry Anderson
George Wendt
Craig Ferguson
John Cleese
Any of the Kids in the Hall guys


I'd also like to see all of those EXCEPT:

Sasha Baron Cohen - I just haven't seen him do anything that I thought was funny in any way.


I like your choices. I'd love to see Cosby on the show though I think he might be too cranky now. His behavior has been very erratic the last ten years or so. But if he could get him on that would be a great show. Cheech and Chong would be great too. Like have Chong as the main guest then have Cheech just show up out of the blue which would make for a cool surprise since they don't really hang in the same circles anymore. The redneck comics would be great too. It would also be great if Seinfeld were to touch on all areas of comedy. Margaret Cho, George Lopez, Ellen Degeneres, Zach Galifinakis, Steve Harvey, Roseanne Barr, Gene Wilder, Eddie Murphy. Too bad he couldn't have gotten David Brenner before he died. Also take into consideration that Seinfeld prefers to play host to people he knows personally or has at least met and is friendly with. That's why his show is on Crackle and not a major network or cable channel. Ultimately a show like this would be really successful if he were given the money to host all types of guests. Of course then maybe he wouldn't want to do it because it would mean having guests on who he probably doesn't like personally or he doesn't like their brand of comedy.


Good choices.

Jim Carrey
Billy Connolly
John Cleese

IMDb-boards would be less confusing if people would mark their signatures clearly.


Conan O'Brien

Ken Jeong

Charlie Murphy and Eddie Murphy



Larry David was in the first episode of season 1.


Here's who I'd like to see, but this is probably just me:

"Weird Al" Yankovic (technically, he's a comedian)
Adam Carolla
Adam Ferrara
any cast member from "Arrested Development" (Will Arnett, David Cross)
any cast member from "Community" (Joel McHale, Chevy Chase, Donald Glover, Ken Jeong)

"The Devil wants his soul. I just want the man."
