MovieChat Forums > Drinking Buddies (2013) Discussion > 1st world upper middle class melodramati...

1st world upper middle class melodramatic drivel

Rich people cheating on eachother, breaking up, dealing with it. Tell me again why I should pay £10+ admission fee to see this crap? I couldn't even watch the whole trailer.



Very awful flick. So predictable, so fake.. just phony all around. Nothing entertaining about this. People that drink this much are not happy, they go nuts once in awhile, have the occasional fight. Heck my last girlfriend was a raging alcoholic and rarely ever made it home, always ended the night throwing up or passing out.. and if I wasn't around probably doing someone else. I can't finish this movie I'm more than halfway through it and it's too boring and just so untrue about life. Sorry.


Yea fake and phony is the best description.

Casting Olivia wilde and making her play a the role of an ugly guy lol, just bad.



wtf are you talking about? one of them is a special ed teacher and the other two are working at a brewery. having a 9-5 job doesn't make you rich... unless you are a kid and think $100 is a fortune.


Well no one in the movie is anywhere near upper middle except maybe Chris (Luke and Jill together would be lucky to make 50k after taxes, very lucky, and Olivia with that single income probably is lucky to break 35k after taxes, very lucky). They all have very average, very entry level, and very crappy jobs (except Chris).

But compared to the world, yes, they are at least in the 90% of income.

And yes, this is just a bunch of boring white people "problems" which are only problems to sophomoric immature idiots like these characters. They are 30 to 35ish and acting like teenagers, immature teenagers at that (seriously, drinking all the time: most grow out of that by age 14...if they ever were that immature to begin with; similarly with the junior high level relationships). Certainly arrested development: I felt so sorry for them, but some never grow up/become responsible/become adults. They are doomed to be man and woman children forever (seriously, who past the age of 20 goes to hang out at bars? ffs do something worthwhile in your free time).


They actually don't cheat. And there is only one break up.


Most movies are based in first world countries because people who go to see movies tend to live in the first world. Somehow I am guessing you do too. Maybe you are posting these messages from some hut in sub-Saharan Africa, but I doubt it.

“There are no ordinary moments. There is always something going on.” – Peaceful Warrior


This just strikes me as a pretty people problems movie... two guys fighting over you or you do have a boyfriend and then another guy, he's just so cute and great, oh what will I do?! How many real people have that problem? That's why it's kind of hard to relate to it...
It's like a movie telling us a woman like *insert "hot" actress here* can't get a date or is a virgin... uh, sure, right.


It's not unrealistic at all to have two people interested in someone at the same time. Not a "pretty people" problem in the slightest.


I stopped and deleted this movie after an hour. Just another Gen Y movie of people who cannot relate to each other. Gen Y have no people/social skills. A Poor and pathetically sad movie of incompetent actors.
