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Readers Are Abandoning Marvel Comics After Social Justice Invasion

Why the hell would the studio want to follow this asinine social "justice" path that is dooming the publishing side???

“We’re seeing the worst falloff of Marvel and DC sales in the store’s 38-year history,” complained one comic book store owner in an industry forum. “Both companies are losing established readers who no longer feel that the company’s output reflects the sort of comics they enjoy.

“For the first time in store history, yesterday’s Marvel FOCs saw us ordering single digits on more than half of the line items in the Marvel section.”

Marvel’s readership is souring particularly fast. With the exception of some big-name comics whose characters have, thus far, escaped the SJW purge of anything remotely resembling a straight white male, Marvel readers are simply going elsewhere.

Marvel have radically altered their classic characters by giving in to calls for more diversity, leading to a black Spiderman and female Thor. This has effectively turned the company into a multi-billion dollar feminist zine publisher.

Here’s a newsflash for Marvel: race-baiters and gender warriors who complain endlessly about the “lack of diversity” in comic books don’t buy comic books. They’re interested in identity politics, not fun.

When your customers — lifelong comic fans — pick up the latest issue to find a smorgasbord of irrelevant, hectoring social and pop culture commentary, they probably won’t buy the next issue. Not because they’re sexists and racists, but because the stuff you are publishing sucks.

People read comic books to escape the real world, and readers have had enough of being called privileged cis white men, or misogynist MRAs, in the real world, let alone the one place they get to escape it. If you want to put these things in your comic books, go ahead, but readers are just going to stop buying them.

Marvel is stuck between appeasing gobby SJWs, making SJWs mad by appeasing them and then attempting to fix an even messier situation than just giving the blue-haired elephants a much need middle-finger. They’re not too worried now, given the success of superhero movies at the box office.

But while the company is making bank from Hollywood, hoping that audiences remain enthusiastic about increasingly desperate franchise crossovers, there’s trouble on the horizon, not just for the studio’s core intellectual property, but the creative integrity of its work, too. Serves them right.

Charlie Nash

I stopped reading so many title because of this crap. I don't also now want to have to stop going to the movies. This kind of stuff hurts my soul.


I just stopped reading once I saw the link to Breitbart.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


Wow..... The Comics side of Marvel really needs to be directly integrated into the Wait Disney Studios along with the rest of Marvel. It's the only way they can save their Publishing side.


I stopped reading Marvel because of constant tie-ins to massive crossover events I didn't care about…If they can stop the tie-ins and let their comics breathe a bit more, I'd love to pick them up again.

This, and it goes for DC as well. Before the big universal retcon they had several Green Lantern titles and they all tied together. It was becoming a chore to keep up. Not to mention the money I'd have to spend to read a GL Title I wouldn't normally read and didn't care about lest I be lost.

The problem is that it doesn't feel like they're doing it because it reflects social issues of the day. It feels like they're doing it because someone has a gun to their head and is forcing them to.


Yep, DC's film side isn't doing so well right now, They need help from Disney to make the movies loved by fans all the world.


Suicide Squad is doing quite well, so DC may be on the upswing.

An African-American Mary Jane Watson?!
She should have been Asian!


By fans of the movies or fans of the comics? Because the fans of the comics are not so pleased with the *beep* they're doing on the movies either.

Some BODY once told me.


Once marvel made Miles Morales I knew innthat moment that they had seriously messed up


Problem is Marvel has not changed the White characters. They simply altered current characters or placed minority characters in alternate universes with a simple costume change.

Odinson is still a dude. Jane Foster is Thor.
Steve Rodgers is still White, he was just out of commission and Falcon took up the mantle.

DC comics suck. New 52 was a disaster. One of the worst reboots ever.

I personally don't like race changes but this has nothing to do with that.

Also, comic book sales at local retailers dropped because of technology, not content.


I'm still baffled that they just don't add in new characters who are women, minorities, of mixed race, and so on. Leave the classics alone. Let Steve Rogers by Captain America, let Thor by Thor, let Bruce Banner be the Hulk, and so on. We don't want these guys replaced and thrown away. We want them right where they've always been. Just get creative and create new characters who are ethnically and gender diverse. Duh.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


Too many big events and stuff are what got me bored of the comics. I've not even read Civil War II. After the 2015 Secret Wars my interest plummeted. The only things I've been reading recently are Moon Knight and Doctor Strange.


I think it has more to do with Marvel losing some key writers/artists as well as rebooting constantly the last ten years. Readers are tired of it.

Sweet Christmas!- Luke Cage


When Marvel comics get so bad that I end up going over to the DC rack looking for something to read, you know they have *beep* up beyond reason. I've been pure Marvel for about a decade. I used to read DC but drifted away. Now, Marvel is pushing me back over there with all this PC nonsense.


DC Rebirth is awesome, they are dominating comic sales at the moment. Love most of their current books.

Also not only are Marvel over-doing it with a big diversity push, they also shove the Inhumans wherever they can.
