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Readers Are Abandoning Marvel Comics After Social Justice Invasion

Why the hell would the studio want to follow this asinine social "justice" path that is dooming the publishing side???

“We’re seeing the worst falloff of Marvel and DC sales in the store’s 38-year history,” complained one comic book store owner in an industry forum. “Both companies are losing established readers who no longer feel that the company’s output reflects the sort of comics they enjoy.

“For the first time in store history, yesterday’s Marvel FOCs saw us ordering single digits on more than half of the line items in the Marvel section.”

Marvel’s readership is souring particularly fast. With the exception of some big-name comics whose characters have, thus far, escaped the SJW purge of anything remotely resembling a straight white male, Marvel readers are simply going elsewhere.

Marvel have radically altered their classic characters by giving in to calls for more diversity, leading to a black Spiderman and female Thor. This has effectively turned the company into a multi-billion dollar feminist zine publisher.

Here’s a newsflash for Marvel: race-baiters and gender warriors who complain endlessly about the “lack of diversity” in comic books don’t buy comic books. They’re interested in identity politics, not fun.

When your customers — lifelong comic fans — pick up the latest issue to find a smorgasbord of irrelevant, hectoring social and pop culture commentary, they probably won’t buy the next issue. Not because they’re sexists and racists, but because the stuff you are publishing sucks.

People read comic books to escape the real world, and readers have had enough of being called privileged cis white men, or misogynist MRAs, in the real world, let alone the one place they get to escape it. If you want to put these things in your comic books, go ahead, but readers are just going to stop buying them.

Marvel is stuck between appeasing gobby SJWs, making SJWs mad by appeasing them and then attempting to fix an even messier situation than just giving the blue-haired elephants a much need middle-finger. They’re not too worried now, given the success of superhero movies at the box office.

But while the company is making bank from Hollywood, hoping that audiences remain enthusiastic about increasingly desperate franchise crossovers, there’s trouble on the horizon, not just for the studio’s core intellectual property, but the creative integrity of its work, too. Serves them right.

Charlie Nash

I stopped reading so many title because of this crap. I don't also now want to have to stop going to the movies. This kind of stuff hurts my soul.


DC sales are currently soaring due to Rebirth. If Marvel's sales are dropping, it's mostly because there's only so many titles people are willing to buy, and DC's offering so many great titles right now.


I don't read as many comics as I used too, but it was still hard to not notice the feminist slant being pushed lately, not only with comics but into movies as well (Ghostbusters, anyone?).
I find it frustrating with what appears to be a desire to turn our male superheroes into females (and I'm a woman). First Thor, and now Ironman. I keep telling people that once they're done with Cap being Hydra, they'll probably make him a woman.
My main issues is that if they want to make new female superheroes, create them. Don't take over male roles. If I want to read Ironman, I want to read about Tony Stark and his genius and his struggles. I don't want to read about Riri, some kid. All this decision does is make me stop reading Ironman.
I actually hope it does affect their sales. Maybe, that will reach them when the people's voices, who has read their comics for years, haven't.


This so much. Right now we have:
mixed Spider-man
black Captain America
female Thor
female Wolverine
black female Iron Man
asian Hulk
female muslim Captain Britain

I mean, what are they trying to accomplish by replacing every major hero with PC characters? Are they trying to tank their comics on purpose?


I don't read either at all anymore. The way Marvel panders to Social Justice Warriors and abandons longtime fans makes me physically ill. And When Marvel isn't pandering to SJW's they're butchering every comic to fit the movies regardless of whether or not it makes sense to do so. And don't get me started on making their heroes "Superior." No one wants to see heroes that are dark and evil.

As for DC, I have no idea why they felt the need to reboot the universe the way they did. It was pointless and once again served only SJW's. Of course now they're stumbling through another retcon, desperately trying to get back to the place they were before.

I don't blame the readers for abandoning both DC and Marvel. Nothing good comes out of them anymore.


Superior Spider-man and Iron Man were fun, SpOck just went on a bit too long.


The way Marvel panders to Social Justice Warriors and abandons longtime fans makes me physically ill.

An African-American Mary Jane Watson?!
She should have been Asian!


As for DC, I have no idea why they felt the need to reboot the universe the way they did. It was pointless and once again served only SJW's. Of course now they're stumbling through another retcon, desperately trying to get back to the place they were before.

They don't have the creative ability to progress the story with fresh actors who look the part as well as embody the character. There just aren't any talented people writing comics anymore. Gone are those days.


Honestly, after the current arcs in my pull list are done, I'm canceling my subs. I can always get the trades, but its just not worth it anymore. With that said, of all the "PC" moves done, Miles Morales is a great character and I've enjoyed him as Spider-Man.


Actually Rebirth is good so far


This so much. Right now we have:
mixed Spider-man
black Captain America
female Thor
female Wolverine
black female Iron Man
asian Hulk
female muslim Captain Britain

I mean, what are they trying to accomplish by replacing every major hero with PC characters? Are they trying to tank their comics on purpose?

It really is baffling to me. They must think it's "growing pains" as a few at the top want to go "full liberal" and move in to indoctrinate mode. They figure the core old school fans are growing older so forget them and let's try and get an ignorant youth readership that's used to this pandering. That is a TERRIBLE managerial decision.

Fans like me went from around 30 Marvel books a month to now about 5 and even those 5 are floundering.


Unfortunately for them, millions of new possible fans are getting into Marvel because of the films, which feature the original Ironman, Captain America, Hulk, and so on. Once they see that the current lineup includes none of the characters they've taken an interest in, they're probably turned off immediately.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


One of the few titles I'm still reading is Daredevil and even that has some PC taint. His new sidekick is a character called Blindspot. Matt is mentoring a Latin ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT... Marvel's "rule of law guy" isn't helping him on a path to citizenship or anything but allowing him to run around as an illegal punching people and fighting crime. WTF???


mixed Spider-man
black Captain America
female Thor
female Wolverine
black female Iron Man
asian Hulk
female muslim Captain Britain

And does anybody believe that sooner or later things won't go back to the originals?

Steve Rogers will always be Captain America, Thor will always be Thor, Logan will always be Wolverine, Tony Stark will always be Iron Man, Bruce Bannor will always be Hulk, and I'll always have no idea who Captain Britain is.

Comic book writers always love to make changes to the characters. It allows them to explore what makes each character who they are. What is it that makes Captain America who he is? Is it Steve Rogers? Or is it some aspect of the beliefs/actions that make him who he is?

Can anybody name a single character that has been permanently changed ever?


I stopped reading these new Marvel titles months ago. All this nonsense and politically correct garbage turned me off maybe for good. If this happens in the movies it will be company suicide.


This PC garbage is also a damn insult to Lee, Kirby and the rest of the creators who built Marvel comics. It shows the absolute lack of creativity on the part of these SJW writers that they can't create their own diverse characters but instead choose to bastardize the works of others.


I doubt it was ever their plan. Libtards are taking over entertainment. For them we're gonna accept it or vote with our wallets.


I stopped reading these new Marvel titles months ago. All this nonsense and politically correct garbage turned me off maybe for good. If this happens in the movies it will be company suicide.

Yeah, I bet it was the snowflake crowd that shut this place down as well.'

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."


I think the issue is not changing ONE character, or even two ... but so many.

For example, can you name a single period in comic history that even one-third of the primary characters altered were done in a similar fashion?

I can remember Sam being Cap, I remember Roddy being Iron Man, I do not remember even 3 of these happening at the same time, much less virtually every major white hero in the Marvel universe being replaced during the same period.


female muslim Captain Britain

Some BODY once told me.


female Wolverine

This one didn't bother me so much because X-23 has basically wanted to be him since forever, or at least be better than him and "the best". She was also cloned from a damaged copy of his genome. She straight up was a female version of him before ever putting on the costume. So her putting on the costume didn't bug me so much.

The other things you've mentioned though....god...poor decisions

I've baited my hook with my own underwear. Is it wrong that I hope to catch a fish I can relate to?-Ragdoll.


Who do they think reads these comics? Seriously. They're idiots.


The problem isn't so much the gender-swapping, it's the crappy writing. I was fine with the idea of a female Thor, but the writing was so ham fisted and self-indulgent that I never bothered with the second issue.

Meanwhile smaller publishers like Image Comics are putting out beautifully drawn and impeccably written works like Monstress, which tackles feminist issues without being pandering or alienating its own target audience.


Well, I have a problem with Jane stealing Thor's hammer, powers, place in Asgard and even his freaking name.


None of this crap is permanent, it never is. Eventually Bruce Banner will be the Hulk, Thor will be Thor, Steve Rogers will be the only Captain America. I have more faith in the history of the characters over some writers who have their heads up their butts.


Well, obviously you can count on fair, unbiased reporting from the same site that posts headlines like "The Solution to Online 'Harassment' Is Simple: Women Should Log Off" and "Teenage Boys With Tits: Here's My Problem With Ghostbusters".

I wonder how many anti-Mutant headlines there would be if they existed within the Marvel Universe.

I stopped reading Marvel because of constant tie-ins to massive crossover events I didn't care about and because of relaunch after relaunch after relaunch making them seem more and more impenetrable despite the intent to make easy jumping on points for new readers. I certainly didn't drop them because of political agendas or social commentary. If they can stop the tie-ins and let their comics breathe a bit more, I'd love to pick them up again.

Considering how Marvel's past features things like Captain America punching Hitler in the face in a time when many Americans still supported him, or the X-Men serving as a metaphor for oppressed groups, or characters like Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Falcon, and Black Panther addressing racial issues, it's safe to say Marvel has ALWAYS addressed social issues of the day, and I expect them to continue doing that.

It's funny how people love to give Marvel points for being more "realistic" than DC, but when Marvel actually tries to reflect the actual diversity of the world around us, a handful of crybabies start whining about it.

Warning! The Monster is loose!




when Marvel actually tries to reflect the actual diversity of the world around us

If comics reflected the "actual diversity of the world around us", then one in 8 characters would be black, and one in thirty would be asian. So obvsiously, those demographics are way, way overrepresented in the current Marvel comics.


Then create new characters, don't alter what made us love them in the first place.


That doesn't change the fact that they are doing an absolutely trash work at it. Not only the scripts are weaker and incredibly dull, not only their "witty comments and remarks" are incredibly cringeworthy and coming out of nowhere, not only they have no idea on how to reply to criticism or react to them without attacking them, but the way they are integrating them into the story is absolutely ridiculous.

"Hey, let's make a character that is a lesbian transexual black muslim. That way we'll pander to literally everyone"

Some BODY once told me.


Great article! Here's another one on the same subject.

Full interview:

Chuck Dixon On The Milo Show: ‘My Characters Have Been Morphed Into PC Cyphers’

Chuck Dixon, the acclaimed Marvel and DC author, appeared on The Milo Yiannopoulos Show to discuss the state of modern comic books and the legacy a writer leaves behind.

“Are you worried about your legacy as an artist as a creator, are you worried that you’re gonna wake up one day and they’re going to turn The Punisher into a Black Lives Matter activist, I mean do you care about that? Does that offend you as an artist, the fact that some of the work you have done in the past might be gerrymandered for these unnecessary petty political reasons?” asked Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos.

“Well I mean most of them already have been. I’ve seen my characters morphed into PC cyphers. But the thing is once I’m done working on them, it’s like watching your kids go off with another guy. The new daddy is here, I just don’t pay attention to it otherwise I’d be crying myself to sleep every night, so I just walk away from it and go on to new work, move forward.” replied Dixon, referencing Marvels latest attempts to make their comic books more SJW friendly.

In recent months Iron Man has become a 15 year old black girl and The Hulk is now a Korean teenager. And as Milo himself has said, female Thor is the result of progressive hand-wringing and man-hating ruining a cherished art form. As comic books become more mainstream following the success of many of Marvels films, their attempts to pander to the liberal masses are entirely unsurprising.

“But if you did pay attention to it, presumably it would be quite upsetting” continues Milo. “Sorry, I feel like I’m asking you to relive childhood trauma, like some sort of horrible therapy sessions where I’m dredging up these horrible false memories or something, I’m sorry I don’t mean to press the issue, just if it was me it would be like someone going back and rewriting my columns with like new politics and crapper jokes, I’d be horrified.”

Dixon jokingly replied, “I feel like I’m at a convention now because I always get questions like ‘how do you feel about what they’ve done to your characters’ and I mean I had a character that I had created that I really liked and had an affinity for and DC, they had her raped, tortured and murdered in the most gruesome fashion and I’m like what the hell. And then even more cynically they brought her back a couple of years later. It’s hard not to take it personal, I did a book called Nightwing for years and when I left it they killed every single supporting character and then nuked the city.”


Ah yes, Milo, the same man who once tweeted at someone, "What's it like finding your dog cut up into tiny pieces and sprinkled on the bed you're about to be raped on" and "you deserve to be harassed you social justice loser".

Warning! The Monster is loose!


DC being great? What year is this? 1986? They've been floundering since the end of the last decade.

Listen, do you smell something? -Ray Stantz


If he was a serial child killer, it wouldn't alter the veracity of his words.
