MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Discussion > Zendaya may not be Mary Jane but she is ...

Zendaya may not be Mary Jane but she is definitely MJ

She may or may not be Mary Jane. They could be lying to us because it's not the first time film makers have done so. OR.... Zendaya has insisted that she is not playing "Mary Jane". And she put emphasis on that name. This could be true, BUT... I'm almost positive she will at least be referred to as MJ. How is this not obvious to you all? Here are a few indicators:

- People, we are in 2016 and no one names their child Mary Jane anymore. It is very likely the movie people decided to scrap the name Mary Jane to produce a modern take on the Spiderman film. This is why they were so adamant on selecting a diverse cast of cast members to depict and ACCURATE setting of New York (because if you haven't been to New York, it is a MIX of races).

- So they told us her name is Michelle. And everyone is going around assuming they mean Michelle Gonzales from the comics or cartoon or whatever who is hardly relevant( but that's not my point). They never gave us Zendaya's character last name. If she was really playing Michele Gonzalez they would have told us that she is Michele Gonzalez. I guarantee you that she is NOT Michele Gonzalez, people are beginning to sound clueless lol. The film makers gave us every other cast members full name and there is a reason why they didn't give Michelle's. Either the name is a rouse or she will likely be Michelle J. Watson or Mary Jane Michelle Watson and goes by Michelle (because like I said it's 2016 and no teenage girl would care to go by that name. Either way I can assure you she will be referred to as MJ by the end of the movie.

- The director said he was trying to make this film with a "Breakfast Club" feel. Zendaya is playing the basket case girl that was originally in The Breakfast Club movie. The girl who was rough around that edges but then turned into the hot chick by the end of the movie. Remember, this is called Spiderman Homecoming. HELLO! This means there will probably be a homecoming dance at the end of the movie in which Spiderman will see "Michelle" made over to be very beautiful (have you seen what Zendaya really looks like? she is gorgeous".

- So everyone you need to be ready to expect this. Peter Parker will in someway take an attraction to "Michelle" once she has a make-over by the end of the movie. They will then squeeze in her name as MJ by some avenue however they choose to do it.

BONUS info: Zendaya was the first person cast for the movie after Tom Holland. Trust me, they did not cast her for just some minor character. And it was also mentioned that her character was suppose to be set up for a much bigger role as the films progressed. Who's a big female character in the Spiderman universe? MJ!!

Guys I'm almost positive. Like, this is so obvious. Everyone is in such denial or either hate the idea or whatever. And you can believe what you want. The only reason I was inspired to write all of this is because I read some of these posts and people just sound so gullible. I also wanted to enlighten those people who might have an open mind and wanted to hear a plausible idea on her character.


I completely disagree with your theory, but i will happily stand corrected if you are somehow right.


Eh, I'm not still buying as Zendaya as MJ, even if I'm open to the idea that she is. I need more evidence.

"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway". - Walt Disney




Yeah, because such A change wouldn't get an enormous backlash whatsoever. I mean, nobody flopped out by The Mandarin twist.


Many of the arguments that she's not MJ are based around the assumption that this film has good writers. Unfortunately, it has 6 different credited writers, 2 of whom are the writers of Horrible Bosses, The Incredible Burt Wonderstone, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, and National Lampoon's Vaction (the new one, not the classic). The other credited writers are the director, who touched up the script a bit, two studio nobodies, and an (admittedly decent) sitcom writer.


Many of the arguments that she's not MJ are based around the assumption that this film has good writers.

No, they're based on the character having the name Michelle and, rather than being the perky girl-next-door, she seems to be a bit of a sarcastic, social outcast.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


Which is why I hate the idea that Michelle is probably MJ. But she probably is. And fans are going to flip their *beep*


So, the logical conclusion to a character having nothing in common with MJ, is that the character is MJ?

Right... 

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


What's her role in the movie? Why have they not revealed her last name? Why was she the first of Peter's classmates cast in the movie? Why did they use a big-name star? Why did they lie about her being a romantic interest (see the pictures of her looking jealous of Peter and Liz)?

Then there's the reports about her character. The first report after she was cast was that she wouldn't have a big role in this movie, but would have a much larger role in sequels. Then there was Umberto Gonzalez's report that she's Mary Jane. Then Vulture shot back with their sources that her identity is revealed in a twist towards the end of the movie where she asks Peter to call her MJ. A twist revolving around her initials would explain why she has no announced last name.

Then there's the idea that she's an analogue of Allison from The Breakfast Club, a comparison that is furthered by the comments that Spider-Man: Homecoming is like a John Hughes movie, and all the Breakfast Club cast shots (where Zendaya is always sitting in Allison's spot). This would imply that she starts off as the girl that no one notices, but then later towards the end of the movie gets a make-over and gets the guy. This matches up both with what we see in the trailers, and with Vulture's "call me MJ" report, as well as the idea that she'll have a larger role in the sequel.

No, she doesn't have much in common with Mary Jane from a fan's perspective. She's a different race, has no red hair, has a completely different personality, has a different social standing and thus has a different significance to Peter, doesn't care about her physical appearance at first vs MJ pursuing a modelling career, and finally isn't even named Mary Jane. These are all very important to fans (and to me). But apparently, to these writers, and maybe to some more casual observers, all that matters is that "MJ" is Peter's love interest. That should piss you off and I can see why you'd fight it. But all the signs are pointing this way. When the movie comes out, everyone will be pissed when they see that we (the people arguing that she's MJ) are right. Mandarin twist 2.0 (even though I liked the Mandarin twist).

Also, I want to point out that this movie doesn't seem to give a *beep* about characters. Look at the weird Ned Leeds/Ganke/Harry Osborn and Betty Brant/Gwen Stacy mash-ups. Or the Flash Thompson who is smaller than Peter and is being set-up as an academic rival.


So all you have to go on is Internet rumours.

You know that a lot of those rumours are started by people who want this movie to fail, right?

Why did they use a big-name star?

Big name star?? I'd never seen her or even heard her name before she was cast in this.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


Big name star?? I'd never seen her or even heard her name before she was cast in this.

That's you. She has over 35 million Instagram followers and is one of Disney's biggest TV stars.


Yeah people keep saying that - that still doesn't make her appearance in a movie a big deal to most people of the world.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


To about 35 million people it's possibly a big deal.


Only for the portion of them who care about these movies.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


@Fanamir, these people are just choosing to ignore the possibility haha. Like seriously, we have spelled it all out for them! Granted there is a possibility that we could be wrong, but at least we are presenting them with sound clues than the this BS they keep spewing about the comics. All of the race changes and physical changes that they have made on almost all of the characters for this movie (Aunt May, Liz Allan, Flash Thompson, Ned Leeds) and they think that MJ is untouchable. Don't forget all of the other changes they made with other Marvel movies like Nick Fury, Johnny Storm, and Valkyrie (In the next Thor movie played by Tessa Thompson). The only difference between those characters I mentioned and MJ is that they did not outright say that Zendaya is MJ. So everyone is holding out hope that she's not. People don't like change, I for one am the same exact way. But it is what it is and all clues point to Zendaya as MJ or at the least his future love interest. People are not willing to accept the fact that the comic universe constantly changes.


Nah, the difference with people like me, is that we don't give a crap about the colour of the skin - only the performance - we just want them to have the best available people for the parts. I wouldn’t care a single iota if she were to turn out to be this universe's MJ.

I'm just bringing up that the only factual evidence available, is that Zendaya is playing a character called Michelle, who appears to share little-to-no traits with MJ. The rest is supposition on the part of people like you.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


Ugh. Well I guess we'll all have to wait for the big twist then to end this debate. Tom Holland himself on Facebook Live said that there were a a few reveals by the end of the movie, and that even one particular one will be really cool. So We'll just have to see what he's referring to.



