MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Discussion > Zendaya may not be Mary Jane but she is ...

Zendaya may not be Mary Jane but she is definitely MJ

She may or may not be Mary Jane. They could be lying to us because it's not the first time film makers have done so. OR.... Zendaya has insisted that she is not playing "Mary Jane". And she put emphasis on that name. This could be true, BUT... I'm almost positive she will at least be referred to as MJ. How is this not obvious to you all? Here are a few indicators:

- People, we are in 2016 and no one names their child Mary Jane anymore. It is very likely the movie people decided to scrap the name Mary Jane to produce a modern take on the Spiderman film. This is why they were so adamant on selecting a diverse cast of cast members to depict and ACCURATE setting of New York (because if you haven't been to New York, it is a MIX of races).

- So they told us her name is Michelle. And everyone is going around assuming they mean Michelle Gonzales from the comics or cartoon or whatever who is hardly relevant( but that's not my point). They never gave us Zendaya's character last name. If she was really playing Michele Gonzalez they would have told us that she is Michele Gonzalez. I guarantee you that she is NOT Michele Gonzalez, people are beginning to sound clueless lol. The film makers gave us every other cast members full name and there is a reason why they didn't give Michelle's. Either the name is a rouse or she will likely be Michelle J. Watson or Mary Jane Michelle Watson and goes by Michelle (because like I said it's 2016 and no teenage girl would care to go by that name. Either way I can assure you she will be referred to as MJ by the end of the movie.

- The director said he was trying to make this film with a "Breakfast Club" feel. Zendaya is playing the basket case girl that was originally in The Breakfast Club movie. The girl who was rough around that edges but then turned into the hot chick by the end of the movie. Remember, this is called Spiderman Homecoming. HELLO! This means there will probably be a homecoming dance at the end of the movie in which Spiderman will see "Michelle" made over to be very beautiful (have you seen what Zendaya really looks like? she is gorgeous".

- So everyone you need to be ready to expect this. Peter Parker will in someway take an attraction to "Michelle" once she has a make-over by the end of the movie. They will then squeeze in her name as MJ by some avenue however they choose to do it.

BONUS info: Zendaya was the first person cast for the movie after Tom Holland. Trust me, they did not cast her for just some minor character. And it was also mentioned that her character was suppose to be set up for a much bigger role as the films progressed. Who's a big female character in the Spiderman universe? MJ!!

Guys I'm almost positive. Like, this is so obvious. Everyone is in such denial or either hate the idea or whatever. And you can believe what you want. The only reason I was inspired to write all of this is because I read some of these posts and people just sound so gullible. I also wanted to enlighten those people who might have an open mind and wanted to hear a plausible idea on her character.


Way to throw out logic out the window. This sounds like the most dumbest and desperate theory out there, here are some FACTS for you:

1.) She's not a love interest in this movie at all. If they are going with the early comics for inspiration, Peter's first crushes were Liz Allan and Betty Brant (played by Laura Harrier & Angourie Rice respectively)
2.) We already have a beautiful love interest in Liz Allan, so you can quit holding your breath for a big "reveal" because that's not going to happen.
3.) If Zendaya does end up playing MJ, they won't be stupid enough to introduce her in the first movie. They might hint at it or not, but she will eventually become her in the sequels or cast a new actress for the role. (I am pretty sure they have their eye on someone for MJ, now that the big reveal is spoiled anyway, it makes no sense in hiding who plays her.)


@garciaruben223 I actually have followed the comics quite a bit. I do know that Liz Allan and Betty Brant were competing for Peter Parker. You also forgot to mention that Peter was not invested much in either. And in fact, Peter was set up on a blind date by his Aunt May and her friend Mrs. Watson to court her granddaughter or maybe her niece MARY JANE WATSON!!! Actually, this could be how it plays out in the movie. So, you actually helped make my point. Totally makes more sense now. So, THANKS!

Your number 3 is exactly what I mentioned in my post. She will be revealed as MJ in the end of the movie so that she will be prominent in the future movies. You should have read the whole thing or at least understand what you read. Nice try bud!


You said they would reveal her in the first movie, I don't think so. They're going to wait, but you might be right and I might be wrong, guess we'll see until it comes out.


I meant at the very end of the movie. At the comic con panel earlier in the year the clip they showed for the audience dropped hints about the homecoming dance. There has to be some significance about that dance. And the movie is called Homecoming. So I dunno, makes me very sure that's when the MJ revelation happens. She will either be his surprise date or he will bump into her during the dance and go gaga for her.


He wasn't invested in Betty Brant?? they dated for a long time and he was heartbroken when she broke it off with him.


"She's not a love interest in this movie at all."

I don't know... she looks pretty jealous of Liz and Peter in these leaked stills...


Wtf dude! SPOILERS! Damn you.


HAHA!! Oh snapppp!!! I needed this! And I'm just sayin, I think I'm on track with this ;)


I needed this!

That is really sad.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.




Yeah, Michele Gonzales has been a love interest for Peter, on and off.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


She's not Michelle Gonzalez. And Michelle Gonzalez has not been a love interest "on and off." She was a love interest exactly once. It lasted less than a year in the comics (they were roommates for a while, but it only progressed as far as precisely one one night stand). They did not part on good terms. She has not appeared since.


So, that disqualifies Zendaya from being Michele Gonzales, in what way?

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


Yep Yep Yep I've been saying that exact same thing. And besides Tom Holland and Marissa Tomei, she was the very next person cast in a mystery role.

No, her name may not be Mary Jane, but she will in someway be the MCU's answer to Mary Jane. I always thought it was a stupid theory that she was playing Michelle Gonzales. Whatever character she is playing, Zendaya's role will be big, so I'm still betting on Mary Jane as well.


How would changing her name somehow make her the same character? She's not even a red head. She's not MJ


I don't think she's meant to be Mary Jane Watson, however, let us not forget Hollywood's recent obsession with race-bending characters just because.

Just ask Liz Allen. Or Iris West. Or Johnny Storm lol.


Race bending aside, if they change her name to Michele Jane or something like that you don't actually have the character anymore.


Or the Ancient One. Or the Mandarin. Or the White Canary. Or Brick. Funny how you forget about those race-bending characters lol.


I didn't say she'd necessarily be the same character. I just said she'd be referred to as MJ ;)


But that would be stupid and pointless


Wholeheartedly agree. Why remove classic character/name just to satisfy the stupidity of keep the "MJ" initials. Just make it Mary Jane [Watson].

Michelle Jane doesn't even make sense and looks as if someone is trying waaaay too hard. Like someone who doesn't know how to write...say, like, forum poster with wildly stupid fan theories.

- I reply, and then I'm gone.


This is a modern take on Spider-Man so Peter Parker will "fall in love" with MJ and start smoking tons of weed and become pro-legalization. The sequels will take place in Colorado.

At the homecoming dance it WILL be revealed. The fat hawaiian kid will be like "hey peter, you have to try this sh!t" and pass Peter a blunt. And Peter will be like "damn, I love you, Mary Jane".


Lol! Sounds a lot more clever than the original post's theory.

- I reply, and then I'm gone.



I doubt she is playing MJ because of what she said in the trailer! The losers comment pretty much confirmed that she is not Mary Jane Watson. MJ wouldn't insult Peter Parker like that. MJ was never bitch to him! Zendaya's character doesn't seem to like Peter Parker at all! It's like Screech and Lisa Turtle relationship.



Why do you believe moron like Umberto Gonzalez who has horrible track record when it comes to movie news over the director and Zendaya herself? I don't why people still believe that idiot. Zendaya is not MJ period!



but it's Umberto Gonzalez who started the whole rumor about Zendaya being Mary Jane Watson. His track record is pretty awful! I don't know why people still believe his BS!



Why do you believe some random man on the internet with zero credibility? Umberto Gonzalez is full of crap!



In case you or everyone else hasn't seen the last dozen Marvel movies they are NEVER exactly like the comics. Even more, someone posted a picture from the movie which showed Zendaya's character at the homecoming dance looking over at Peter and Liz and she clearly appeared to be jealous of Peter talking to Liz. If you don't mind spoilers you could look at the photo and see that her character has feelings for him.

And have you never seen Hey Arnold!? Lol. Helga and Arnold's relationship. She had a deep undying love for Arnold. That type of relationship actually happens in school with teens.


I'm not an expert on comic lore, but I'm pretty sure MJ was the hottest girl at school who peter had a crush on, not a frumpy looking loner girl.

So obviously not.


That's my thoughts exactly! Peter Parker seems to have zero interest in her at all! I don't know why people still believe this BS rumor.


See again where I mentioned that the director said this movie is inspired by the movie The Breakfast Club! Loner frumpy girl becomes hot chick. Main character guy takes interest in her by end of movie.


People, we are in 2016 and no one names their child Mary Jane anymore.

sound reasoning.


There are Marvel geeks who would name their daughter Mary Jane. Kevin Smith named her daughter after DC character because he's huge DC fanboy!


The director has said she isn't MJ, so has Zendaya. So you're clearly wrong.
And if they did try and do that it, deny it and then have it happen anyway. It would not have a good effect on the film.


Nope! They have said she is not playing Mary Jane, they never said she wasn't MJ. I believe her initials will be MJ (Michelle Jane for example). And they never denied that she was a potential love interest. You guys have to read original posts properly and comprehend.
