International Wormhole Day!

That's right ladies and germs; today is International Wormhole Day.

IWD is a day where we can all take a moment to celebrate one of the hardest working contributors on IMDB.

Love him, hate him or try in vain to debate him, Wormhole is a staple of IMDB's superhero scene. He's tirelessly plied his bizarre trade for many years under his infamous WormholeXXX pseudonyms using a mixture of celebratory emoticons and childishly playful barbs -- all aimed at the MCU oppressor.

A consistent detractor of the MCU for its so-called "kiddie" themes and jocular "one-liners," Wormhole is not without a sense of fun and irony. He has created a brand around the very thing he seeks to mock -- childishness.

Wormhole is so unshakable and so persuasive when conveying his beliefs that some now genuinely believe Marvel Ent. is an elaborate front for a child-porn ring. Just ask his frequent collaborator, Joby Dimms.

To show our appreciation to the little guy, let's all add a post here in the traditional Wormhole style. Hopefully, he'll join in the fun too.

Wormhole, we love you, man!!

"MCU is for kiddies who attend the kiddie parade while eating kiddie burgers and drinking kiddie shakes!" 

"You are salvage, the flotsam of the void, the property of the Midas Foundation. My property."


The MCU films are for marveltards. DC is the good stuff.


Shut it!



Also international wormhole day should be the day you prove to wormhole that you are mature and that he is a kiddie

Guys stop we gotta talk this through


We don't have to prove anything, mate. We know we're the adults, and he's the kiddie.

Believe me, we're in good hands!


adults watch mature movies the kiddies watch kiddie movies aka spiderkid: homecoming


adults watch mature movies

Like Civil War.


No, if you read comic for once in your life you would know to expect lots of jokes in this.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


How's your 13 Year old hostage...I mean "girlfriend"?

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


LMAO...AND WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I AM A HE...I could be a she you know. the kiddie mcu fans attack the messenger and not the message but for the kids as marvel movies are for kiddies


Thing have no message.


Thing have no message.

Thing is... you're no better than Wormhole, if not worse. The only legitimate difference between you and him is that you actually pretend that what you're saying is objective truth.


Thing is... you're no better than Wormhole, if not worse

For sticking up for a series that's been under attack from day one?


For sticking up for a series that's been under attack from day one?

For being narrow-minded dork who spreads out illogical nonsense and pretends as if it has any validity.


So for sticking for movies against pretentious snobs, got it.


So for sticking for movies against pretentious snobs, got it.

By using rhetoric of pretentious snobs, you don't seem to differentiate that much from them.


By using rhetoric of pretentious snobs

Nah, just the snobs getting PO'ed they can't be snobs unabated.


Nah, Samtron. You pretty much define snobbery in the way you present your opinion, but you just call everybody snobbs in order to not be labeled as a snobb.


What a snobby thing to say.


But you are a snob, sweetheart. Don't appropriate to others what better applies to you.


When you're part of an uphill battle, you're not a snob. You're just someone who speaks against snobs.


lol how many fake accounts do you have


ANTI SEMITE Samhmd-7489 has plenty of socks

Talesfromthecrypt, PeterJasonQuill and moviefreaks6385 are his socks. I put all of them on ignore as I don't talk to idiotic anti semite racist fools 


lol he prolly dose have socks I dont have a problem with him liking mcu or what ever but to say every realistic take on a character is a sell out is beyond stupid iron man incredible hulk captain america are all grounded characters even in the comics for the most part.Also when you make a movie you cant make everything like the comics certain stuff wont translate an you have to go for the feel that fits the character best grounded feel fits batman iron man very well an regardless each take on a character is valid because its that directors interpretation


I'm pretty mad that they turned all these serious characters into punch lines and lame jokes.

The Hulk in the comics is nothing like the MCU Hulk. The 70's series Hulk is the best Hulk and the best Thor.


but to say every realistic take on a character is a sell out is

A swipe at the same "fans" who think all CBMs must be like that, forever.


but the MCU hates comics..

they banned smoking so Tony can't smoke

and they took Hawkeye's mask

the MCU only wants kiddie films for kiddies who are in 3rd grade


They banned smoking because they don't advocate suicide, easy as that.

Hawkeye hasn't worn a mask in decades.

MCU is about giving people who want "grounded" films the finger.


Sounds like there ashamed of the comics


Telling people not to commit suicide doesn't sound ashamed to me.


Nope no excuse they are ashamed civil wart isnt like the comics


Nope no excuse they are ashamed civil wart isnt like the comics

So true. Disney is very much ashamed of their comics.


ashamed that they made them kiddie....what a joke😆😆😆


Nah, it's just that Singer's stench has messed up the minds of audience goers into thinking that the wondrous is bad.


Try again kid, all those accounts are not socks.

God dang it I'm good


lol how many fake accounts do you have

I think he has many of them. I think he just uses them like Uber-Troll, to write sometimes to himself fake compliments in order to make himself look more righteous or something.


When you're part of an uphill battle, you're not a snob.

No, pal, you definitely a snob. You think that your opinion is a fact and that nobody but you is right. You're living exemplification of snobbery.

You're just someone who speaks against snobs.

So you speak against yourself, then? Kind of self-critical, Samyboy.


You think that your opinion is a fact

The MCU's existence HAS been an uphill battle. Still is.


The MCU's existence HAS been an uphill battle. Still is.

They are the most overexposed, popular, widely acclaimed franchise of today's day and age. The only battle they may have is the battle of how much money they can spent on yachts and big houses.


They are the most overexposed, popular, widely acclaimed franchise of today's day and age.

Overexposed, not really. Everything else if from their uphill battle, and "grounded" people still can't stop taking swipes at them every step of the way.


Overexposed, not really.

Yes, really.

Everything else if from their uphill battle,

You take this comic book movie stuff way too seriously, pal. Get a life.

and "grounded" people still can't stop taking swipes at them every step of the way.

Grounded people? You mean like people that live in real world and are not lifeless shills of some movie franchises? Yeah, poor people.


Yes, really.


You take this comic book movie stuff way too seriously, pal. Get a life.

What a shameful thing to say.

Grounded people?

The ones who hate stuff like aliens and superpowers and magic and stuff.


So true mh-newressistance! he constantly trolls our boards and attacks my and my family!


...of pure sock accounts, though. Just saying. 



Why is your gender so important all of a sudden? Isn't it your message that really counts?

And besides, if you are a woman, shouldn't you be used to getting gender swapped on the boards by now? I am.

Well, are you a woman, Wormhole?
"You are salvage, the flotsam of the void, the property of the Midas Foundation. My property."


I think wormhole is a it.

--- Chuck Norris threw a grenade and killed 50 people, then it exploded. ---


I think you're on to something, Tony. Like its namesake, it could be a hermaphrodite. It has been known to go head to head with itself.
"You are salvage, the flotsam of the void, the property of the Midas Foundation. My property."


My gender is not relevant my message is what matters. LMAO...Why are marvel kiddies all over my gender. male or female but foir the kids as marvel movies are for kiddies


First off learn to spell.

You just complained about being called a he in another reply you hypocrite.

Repeating your catchphrase doesn't make it true.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


Lol kiddie wormhole attacks the messenger and not the message 

For the kids as DCEU movies are for kiddies 

You said it yourself pal, we're the guardians of the galaxy!


All you have are nonsensical words typed on the computer kid.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


You forgot the 
That's one of his faves!


Thanks for that. He's a true master of his craft, isn't he? Very tough to imitate convincingly.
"You are salvage, the flotsam of the void, the property of the Midas Foundation. My property."


Wormhole is the reason I started to use some of those emojis...

My favourite one is the "cool dance" emoji.


LMAO...I am touched by all the love but for the kids as mcu movies are for kiddies😆


LMAO...I am touched by all the love but for the kids as mcu movies are for kiddies

this just show people that you're a forever alone guy
to think that these kind of attention as love
that's is really sad, joby

i feed the trolls and have them tap dancing for my amusement


Calm down, Wormkid... you didn't invent the emoticons!


Wow! Is that a modern emoticon I see there Mr. (or Ms.) Hole? You manage to surprise with each passing day. I was told you were a staunch advocate of classic emoticons. Can you tell us a bit more about this new development? Does it signal a subtle change in your modus operandi? Could this be the beginning of a new phase for you as an artist?

I'd love the opportunity to conduct a one-on-one interview with you in a separate thread? You're a well-known figure around these parts, and I'm sure many people here would like to know what we can expect from Wormhole in 2017 and on.

Let me know if you're game and I'll set it up.
"You are salvage, the flotsam of the void, the property of the Midas Foundation. My property."


"You are a sad, strange little man"- Buzz Lightyear.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


(In Woody's voice) "HE! IS! A! TROOOOOOOLLLL!!!!"


Nice one!

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


(In Woody's voice) "HE! IS! A! TROOOOOOOLLLL!!!!"


You said it yourself pal, we're the guardians of the galaxy!



well..its nice to see marvel kiddies finally giving the grownups their respect

maybe one day marvel kiddies will grow up and like mature films


You know we're being sarcastic kid.

We give true adults respect not kids that deserve to be smacked and pretend to be adults.

Maybe one day DC fanboys will develop intelligence and start liking MCU movies.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


So you're a different Wormhole from Wormhole999? OMG! Wormhole is like the Terminator. You're the 9000 series.

Hey, what about my interview!?
"You are salvage, the flotsam of the void, the property of the Midas Foundation. My property."


Blackhole here. AKA the older brother/manager of the wormholes. I represent both clients along with their trademarks and contracts. Any questions you have will be answered by me.


Allow me to formally introduce myself, Mr. Hole.

I am Doctor Midas --- cosmic goddess.

I wish to interview your client on IMDB directly -- in a dedicated thread -- on this board -- preferably the 9000 series Wormhole.

You can vet the questions before hand if you like. I think a lot of folks would like to know what makes the Holes tick.


"You are salvage, the flotsam of the void, the property of the Midas Foundation. My property."


Blackhole sound like the bastard offspring of Blackphoenix and Wormhole.


Of course.


Great! He can look for his first set of questions on Monday at noon PST on this board.
"You are salvage, the flotsam of the void, the property of the Midas Foundation. My property."


Oh blackhole, can I have a talk with one of your clients, preferably the 999 series wormhole

God dang it I'm good


DC sadly relies on bitter foes burying the hatchet simply because their mothers have the same name. I swear, the Martha bit was as infamous as the Bat Nipples and The Bat Credit Card.

Lars Ulrich is a Brony


🎵For he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good FFFFEEELLLLLLLOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!🎵

🎵Which nobody can deny!🎵

Whatever you are, be a good one.


Praise Wormhole! The one who started the "kiddie" movement it will prove futile in the end but his valiant effort will not go unnoticed.

"For the kids as MCU movies are for the kiddies!"

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


lmao...marvel kiddies laugh...but soon

the mature movies will take over

suicide squad made more than dr strange

an dis year JL and WW will finally beat kiddie films now that the adults have movies to wacth that are mature


suicide squad made more than dr strange


So did Transformers, your point?

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


MCU focuses on its cgi too much with no story or character depth.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


It had more depth on the WWII setting in one single scene than any of Magneto's flashbacks.


But it wasnt like the comics is mcu ashamed


They are ashamed


...Uh, it was like the comics. Have you read any of them?


Sorry dude there ashamed iron man 3 is nothing like the comics either


That is correct apriloish.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


The MCU hasn't referenced the Holocaust since that movie because they are ashamed.


They mentioned that not all Germans were Nazis, which means the gave WWII more depth than any X-Men film. All X-Men does is exploit Nazism over and over again.


They showed Nazis about 2 times in all of their 9 films...

I guess you must really hate comics since the Holocaust was a pretty big deal in Magneto's story and character.


I think it was a cheap excuse for Magneto's character, yes.


It does focus on it's story, you're just too stupid to see it.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


Little song for IWD (made to suit wormhole's taste)

(Opening beat. Guitars drums and saxophones playing)

(Verse 1)
Come on marvel kiddies everywhere!
Join in the fun at god knows where
This is a mature celebration
Of kiddie and adult integration!

'Cause it's international wormhole day!!!!
(Wormhole day)
Come on and join the parade
(Join the parade)
For international wormhole day
(International wormhole day)

(Verse 2)
[people clapping]
Come on kiddies, don't be late
We have a guest, oldboymclame
Celebrate this special day
(Special day)
And it's happening today!


(Repeat verse 1)

This is a time for the kiddies
And adults to integrate
This is a time where you might find
A mature, brand new best mate...

Repeats twice)


(Closing drum beat)

You said it yourself pal, we're the guardians of the galaxy!


I think a day is a bit short for wormshipping his Hole-ness.
