MovieChat Forums > Power Rangers Megaforce (2013) Discussion > Anyone else put off by non-power rangers...

Anyone else put off by non-power rangers morphs?

I kind of like the fact that they can morph into rangers from the past, but they are also morphing into rangers from the future and rangers from Super Sentai that aren't in the American power rangers history. Just watching episode 5 I see the pink Chousinsei Flashman, red dairanger, and the yellow maskman ranger. I like this tribute style to the past as much as the next guy, but isn't it confusing to be using sentai rangers that aren't part of the power rangers history?


As early as the third season, it was established there were other Ranger teams spread out across the galaxy, and we later found out there were other Ranger teams even spread out across time.

The non-translated morphs didn't bother me. In-universe all it means is those Ranger teams just didn't have shows made about them.

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone
