
Don't expect an an exposé or inside scoop of any real hackers. Just interviews with cringe-worthy 4chan posters who were foolish and got caught.
The only person interviewed with any real merit was the guy who explained how American internet users helped during the Tunisian revolution which can hardly be attributed to "Anonymous."

If you're ignorant to literally everything surrounding "hacktivism" (ugh) then you might get something out of this. But not much. Utterly vapid.



More liberal rich kids with nothing better to do. THIS is what happens when you bully sissies at school. They grow up to be liberals and hate America. Oh they shut down kiddie porn? The Taliban feels the same way-big deal.

Forget the movie but someone nailed it: you have to be rich to think that way in the first place.

These are the same eco-terrorists bombing car lots, research labs, camping out at OWS rape-parties to listen to rich 1% liberals tell them they have sympathy.

Living off trust funds, sipping Latte's and complaining about the evil rich.

Of course, youre just stupid and unable to comprehend if you disagree with them and their ilk.

Birds of a feather.


Yeah, free speech man, what kind of liberal ass hole would promote that?


Yeah right. Because we all know poor people are conservatives who so valiantly defend taxation of the multinationals, hate work safety regulations and benefits, want to dump toxic waste on the nearest convenient rivers, keep belching fragrant smoke from their poor factories, level mountains for resources, buy entire parties, and invade other countries for glory (and profit).

Those things are very important to plumbers named Joe. And of course, the teabaggers. Just your ordinary, everyday racists living out in the bunker suburbs fending off the NWO ninjas and crucifying atheists and sissies on the train crossing in their own humble way.

P.S. The Taliban marry 12-year old girls. And most conservatives (*cough* mormons *cough*) would too, if they could. Talibans also hate women and sissies, love guns, and are extremely religious. Which one has more in common with whom, really? It's not a coincidence they're called CONSERVATIVE Islamists y'know. You even worship the same imaginary being.


Another liberal showing his hatred for everything that he disagrees with. Hate God, Hate republicans, hate the rich...did I miss anything?

Always the same hate with you leftwing nerds. Its always about the hate...while you're demanding tolerance and compassion of course!

I would expect nothing less from your ilk. Back to your 'thank you Obama for using the NSA to spy and deny constitutional rights to conservative groups!' rally.


Did I say anything about hate? And were anything I said incorrect? LOL. You're the one calling people sissies and lamenting that we don't push them down more toilets.

Oh. And I'm not American. Wrap your mind around that. No, I'm not a commie either. What exactly is our "ilk" then?

You see, I think in terms of the entire world and the human species. You think in terms only of yourself and your own glorious nation and its founding fathers specifically chosen and protected by Jesus so he can watch over your football games. Every single nation on Earth has them. What makes yours so special that it overrides everything else on the planet?

You can't see past your borders. And if I'm right, I don't think you care either. Go back to demanding Obama's birth certificate and watching Fox News avidly for any signs of the impending NWO atheist commie Muslim Catholic Jewish Mexican Chinese Russian Korean Canadian French gay feminist environmentalist scientist humanist black asian satanist invasion. I'm sure it's going to happen any minute now, so grab your guns and don't forget that tinfoil protects against the federal mind control machines.



Another leftwing loser shows their true colors. Because everyone that disagrees is a racisthomophobezionistnationalist, right? How pathetic.

Lift your head up from that guys lap long enough to look around why dontcha. You just keep worrying about the evil Founding Fathers and the 'gun-totin' crazies in another country while proclaiming your hatred for the 'imaginary guy in the sky'.

You could not be a better mouth-piece for the lunatic left if you tried.


anonymous = virgin nerds

"We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us." i expect you to fix my computer and STFU


I had a friend coming and telling me "you msut watch this movie they show everything how its done and all in there". so i finally saw it today, and the ONLY thing they sohwed was LOIC which pretty much EVERYONE already knows about. at least if they have given us HOIC that would ahve been something, now, meh....

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.



This isn't a documentary about hacking, it's about hacktivism. There is a difference. The hacktivist movement is supposed to bring together thousands or millions of people with a common ideology and cause. You can't hardly compare a couple of hackers with extensive computer knowledge with the kind of social movements the internet is allowing now, for starters most people out there who share those ideologies are probably not computer savvy but most of those use computers anyways. Hacktivism is about two things mainly in my view:

1. Giving people a sense that they are part of a biggest group that shares their ideals
2. Bringing normal people closer to technology and to understand technology hopefully empowering them to defend themselves or at least understand enough about the technology to know how it can be used against them.

The regular hacking movement could never achieve such objectives or even strive for them, it takes a massive movement like this to come closer to this realisation.

Anonymous are just regular people with an ideology or purpose that is realised by the power of unification in numbers, they're not hackers although hackers can be among them. Maybe the term "hacktivism" is unfortunate but it is just a label.

I think the documentary did a good job presenting the hacktivist movement for what it is: mainly normal people exercising their right to protest and do something with the tools they have in hand. If the tools they have allows them to communicate to come together then good, that served a social purpose. Hackers no doubtb will use more sophisticated tools but they're not the bulk of the hacktivist movement.

This is not a signature!
