MovieChat Forums > Bad Words (2014) Discussion > A Guy Like This Would Land In Jail.

A Guy Like This Would Land In Jail.

In real life a man like this would most likely land in jail for corruption of a minor. Also, another example of how young boys can be exposed to sexual humor and ridicule from adults yet with young girls it's a no-no.

Seems to suggest too that a good way to bond with a child is through immoral and obscene behavior.


You can get away with this in movies, OP.



I see your point, and I agree. I don't have a problem with the movie itself or the events portrayed in it. I can see how people find it funny, and harmless, in the context of a MOVIE. But thank god it's not based on true events.

Imagine if you were that kid, and your first memory of seeing some breasts was when some guy took you in an alley way and let you feel up a dirty hooker. It'd *beep* you up. You'd think back, remembering that you thought of this strange 40 year old man as your "friend", because you were a dumb kid and didn't know any better. He took you around and got you drunk, which seemed cool at the time but now seems disturbing and creepy.

It's just a movie, but it says a lot about society and the ridiculous double standard. This type of behavior would be (rightfully) unacceptable with a young girl, but whenever a boy gets any type of action from an adult female, everyone jokes "hurr durr what a lucky kid look at how hot his teacher is". What if it was your son? Would you approve of his teacher taking advantage of him? Or a stranger getting him drunk and showing him a pair of tits?

And so the real life cases of males who experienced these things are discouraged by society from speaking up. They feel shameful enough already, but there's even more pressure from society to just "suck it up" and "be a man" while everyone jokes about how lucky they are. Again, the issue is not with the movie, but how people see these things.


There was an entire scene in the film where he ridiculed a young girl by making it look like she was on her period and was bleeding through her trousers.

Did you even watch? Even if you had a point in a general sense, you've basically disregarded entire portions of the movie that prove you wrong.

Also, you've generalised one interaction between a clearly uniquely strange and mean man and a fairly odd child to every single adult/child interaction. That's just ludicrous.

Just because one adult bonds with a child through immoral behaviour it doesn't mean its encouraging this at all. It's crazy how often people will take a scene or a film that has a specific story based on individual characters and somehow take a huge leap to suggest this is a promotion of a certain set of values or the pushing of an agenda. Just enjoy the story.


The best thing about this movie was the main character's un-PC treatment of children, which was very funny at a time when the little brats are coddled like snowflakes that will melt if they hear a negative word.
