MovieChat Forums > 56 Up (2012) Discussion > What happens after Michael Apted dies?

What happens after Michael Apted dies?

Fans of the series who are the age of the subjects or younger are going to want to be updated as to what happens to them. Does Apted plan to pass the torch?

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I thought I had heard him address this briefly somewhere, saying that he was concerned and he hoped someone would do it, but I can't think where I would have heard it.

reply me if you remember where!

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At the Q&A after the film when I saw it, Apted was asked that question. He did say something to the effect of, "I hope somebody takes it over" as was earlier posted. I have no transcript, but, I heard it directly from Apted.

Apted seemed just as concerned that once the actual UP folks started passing away, that the whole project would be endangered.


Thanks for the info!

See a list of my favourite films here:


I don't know who would even try. Some already close the doors on Apted with interviewing. We've read in the past how they didn't like how they were being perceived (I don't think that's the word).

If this isn't the last Up, I don't think Apted will be able to make any after 63 UP. I wouldn't want to watch it though, you can already see some with health issues. I think Lynn hasn't worked for years and has been on disability. Still can't believe her disability was cut and is forced to work. Anyone know what hapepned with that? I know her boys are helping her but it must be difficult for all parties.


Lynne was laid off about 5 years ago due to budget issues at the library. Because she was over 50, she was able to draw her pension.

It's Jackie who hasn't worked for many years, due to severe arthritis.
She had been receiving disability, and her MIL helped out, and presumably Ian (and Charlie's father) had paid child support when the boys were younger. And she does get some money from the series as well.

Now, with Ian dead and her MIL seriously ill, (and probably gone by now) the segment said that her grown sons (all of whom are working) are helping her. Presumably if her disabilty payments were in fact cut off, and she couldn't find a job she could handle, she would move in with Charlie or he would move back in with her. (Which I'm sure would be difficult ... but people manage as well as they can.) She probably also got some inheritance, however small, from her MIL.

Everyone else in the series appears to be healthy. Even Lynne's 'veins in her head' haven't been mentioned for a while, and don't seem to be giving her any trouble.


Oh, It's Jackie and not Lynn. Either way, just wondering what happened after the documentary. I'm guessing she can't find a job and has to move in with her son.

I was wondering if anyone actually knew what happened. We're all assuming at this point.


michael bay takes over?

Aloha, Mr. Hand.


I think this is kind of an unfortunate attitude, that you (and, yes, a lot of other people) don't want to be shown an inevitable part of the life cycle (for those who don't get struck down young): aging and disability. Fact of life!

See a list of my favourite films here:


One of the grandchildren of one of the original participants will take it over.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


No one knows. Only time will tell.


I'd assume that one of his researchers or assistants would carry on with all the participants who are still willing to be filmed. Apted himself picked up the series from the 14-year-olds on. He was only a researcher on 7 Up, not the director.

The X factor is: how many of the 14 continue only because of Apted's persistence and persuasion, and how many more or less *despite* Apted, out of a sense of duty?


He died January 7, 2021.
There is talk of an associate producer taking over the project.
