I cried. Did you?

This movie brought up memmories of my carefree childhood. I cried to learn my association with the happiest of my childhood is built upon the sadness of the author's pitiful life.


Yep, kind of crept up on me. I had a Seinfeld moment of "What is this salty discharge coming from my eyes?" My husband teared up as well.
Lovely movie!




Yes. When they were singing "Let's Go Fly a Kite" for some reason my emotions got the better of me. I guess it reminded me of being a little girl again, safe at home, my Dad often singing along to whatever we were listening to. Remember, musicals were a big deal at the time. We always had one musical or another on the family stereo. (Long before I retreated into my room with Dark Side of The Moon ten years later!)

The woman behind me in the theater was crying toward the end too. It is a very emotional film--either your memories come to the surface, or you cry for Mrs. Travers---brava to Emma Thompson!


I started bawling when she says, "I want to be just like you!" to her father, and he responds negatively, and goes off to cry and drink in the house.

I realized that my own daughters will want to be just like me one day, and although I do my best to hide the broken parts of my character, I will have to do better for their sake.


Same place with me. The second time I saw it, I started bawling as soon as I heard the first few notes of the song. What a great scene! "Mrs Travers" had a beautiful smile and laugh after being so sour up until then.

No signature required


It’s good to dream



I am so glad I did not watch this in theatres. I would've been sobbing in plain sight! lol.

There were definitely more than one scene that had me choked up but I managed to stay off the tears. The scenes that I survived but found rather hard were:

1. When Pamela tries to console her injured, humiliated father with her poem and he grabs it from her and stares at it with tear filled eyes, and then insults her for it.

2. Mrs. Travers giving Ralph the list of people who've had 'difficulties' but achieved great things and tells Ralph that his daughter can do that too.

3. Fidelity Fedutiary Bank/ Fair scene: I was not close to tears in this scene but I did find it emotionally difficult to watch. It made me very anxious and stressed out b/c I just knew it was going to end in disaster. One of the most powerful scenes in the movie; loved how the present and the past just kept seeping into one another and the use of the song was brilliant.

Now for the scene that made me bawl was of course the ending where Travers watches the movie. When the dialogue b/t Bert and Jane was played over her flashbacks, I was done. And then her watching Mr. Banks take his 'last walk' to the bank was just....gah I can't even.

Love the movie.:)

My Catching Fire Movie Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyT6o99zgVg


I cried 3 times. It's such a sad and touching story, that I really began to sympathize with Travers.

[Formerly CosmosX9]


I saw it today, and tears were literally falling (not daintily streaming but falling) from my eyes during the premiere scene. OMG I'm getting all choked up just thinking about it, LOL.


I almost did, a few times. There were some scenes where I got choked up. I was with my eight year old daughter, so I didn't want to cry in front of her. This was a very well made movie.


This movie have very touching moments. But I only cried in one scene, when Mr. Walt tells his childhood story to Mrs. Travers and a little bit in the premiere scene.
