MovieChat Forums > The Bling Ring (2013) Discussion > The changing of names and the casting ma...

The changing of names and the casting makes no sense

Why change their names? half of them were adults when arrested. Alexis Niers was ''19'' when arrested and everyone knows why she was arrested. Why change her name to nicolette?

Onto the casting. it makes no sense. The real Rachel Lee was a fully Asian looking woman and very average facially. In the movie she is cast as a gorgeous actress who looks more ''white'' than Asian. That's a good example of white washing. The made for TV ''bling ring'' that came out a few years before this film featured an actress that was 100% Asian. Rachel also had a learning disability which this film completely leaves out.

And onto ''Nick Prugo''. First off Nick in real life was a very good looking guy. In this film he is portrayed as a homely nerdy guy with poor self esteem, brown hair and slightly pudgy and named ''Mark''. Nick on the other hand was attractive, slim, blonde and had lots of confidence. He was also much more flamboyant. In the film he is oddly portrayed as very ''straight'' apart from an interest in fashion. Nah, the real nick was GAY!.

How could casting screw up this badly?
