MovieChat Forums > Tape 407 (2012) Discussion > Sorry but I actually enjoyed it.

Sorry but I actually enjoyed it.


I enjoy home video shot movies and it made a change from either zombies or spirits. So yeah I quite enjoyed it.

The first 30 mins is actually pretty decent before it becomes some what predicable but still enjoyable. Its just an easy, mindless watch TBH.

For people asking why does the cleaner kill the girls, Well the only explanation is the obvious one, to cover up the dino.



No need to apologize, you liked a film, there is nothing wrong with that. However, I thought it was a pretty horrendous movie. The characters were all unlikeable with the sole exception of the journalist, the rest were painfully annoying. I don't like found footage movies even though there are a couple that are somewhat okay(Cloverfield, The Blair Witch Project, Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes) but I don't care for most of them. When you finally seen the dinosaur, it was horrible CGI. Well, to each their own and it is fine with me if you liked the movie.



Good. Try "Afflicted"

Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most.


i enjoyed it too. at least it doesnt take itself too serious, it doesnt try to be "artistic", "subtle", "surrealistic" or sth with full of symbolisms we are supposed to understand.

it delivers what it promises, besides its runtime is what it should be.


I really enjoyed it as well. I agree with everyone the little girl was annoying but what a bold move to place the same old story but this time from the point of you of a little girl and then just when you think she's finaly saved BAM!! Pretty awesome in my opinion. As far as found footage movies everybody loves the classics "Cannibal holocaust", "The blair witch project", "Paranormal activity", "Cloverfield", "Rec", "Grave encounters" but I would also recommend "Atrocios", "V/H/S" the original as well as the 2 sequels even though the 3rd one is not at all in the same vibe, "The den", "As above so below", "The devil's pass", "chenobyl diaries", "evidence" the one by Howie Askins not the crappy Hollywood one, "Always watching", "Bigfoot: The lost coast tapes" and I'm sure I am forgetting a lot. Only Watch them if you're a fan of that type of movies.
