The real ending ...

I think the real ending of this story is that the father will become fanatic and eventually a suicide bomber and kill 80 people. It is a chain that won't be broken by military actions alone.


My thoughts exactly.

In some posts say the movie is about moral dilemma. I say the movie is about take the way that will not take you in any of doubts or dilemmas brought up with the movie. And girl be or not to be is not the only one.


I disagree with your premise and I think you're missing the point. The death of the girl is ultimately on the extremists. And the father himself warned his daughter about the "fanatics" himself when she was playing with the hula hoop. He obviously was not a fanatic himself, and understood the dangers they presented. If you look at this film honestly (which is not to say there's no propaganda in the film, of course their is) it comes back to my point: that the girl's death, while tragic, and while triggered by the missile, was still ultimately caused by the extremists. To wit, if they weren't in there ARMING A SUICIDE BOMBER, then they could have waited to either kill or follow the female target.

"Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in." -- Will Rogers
