Major plot hole?

The thing that occurred to me near the very beginning was when the girl was in the apartment with her dead boyfriend ... with that much blood, she should have been able to smell that something was wrong.

What do you think?


Maybe, but in not being a lifelong blind person, perhaps her other senses haven't developed to the same degree yet that we would think a blind person's would.

I thought your post was going to be about how the cat lived after being thrown off a 20 story building.


You know, that is a very good point. I was guessing/hoping there was an awning somewhere along the way that the cat bounched off of, or maybe he got thrown far enough that he landed on a patio across the street or on a padded truck or something. But, yeah, I wondered about that, too. Of course, it didn't have to have been the same cat either.

The girl did say at some point that she was able to smell Brad. Maybe she was bluffing for some reason; perhaps her injuries could have destroyed her sense of smell as well.


Good point, she did say she smelled the criminals later on.

I got nothing.


I thought it was strange that she didn't sense she was in her own building when Michael Keaton said he was taking her to a police station.


It's not like fresh blood smells that much is it? So NOT a major plot hole.


I recorded this and just watched it today. Yikes! The entire movie seemed like a major plot hole!!! To start with, someone who'd been injured and blinded by a bomb wouldn't look like she did - completely unscathed with perfect eyes. That stood out from the start. Yeah, I wondered how she didn't smell the blood as well, especially when later she said she smelled the bad guys after they allegedly left the apartment.

She played innocent quite well, when I think she knew all along about the diamonds, the money, and Ryan's history. Probably saved her butt.

And the cat! Really? Come on now.


You're so right on all points ... especially the poor cat !! I hope there's a heaven for cats like that.


The cat lived! You see it again towards the end of the movie.


Cats are well known for being able to fall from great heights
and live. As they fall they are able to turn their bodies so
that they are upright so that they land on their paws. They also
spread their legs to brake their fall. This has been shown
on several docs about cats shown on TV here in the UK.


They were wearing Old Spice.


Cats have seven lives, men donĀ“t.


You're so right. What really bothered me with the cat thing is that after a while she says that Ryan had a safe.........but when he was threatening with her cat, her pet, she said nothing about it!! They had killed her boyfriend, she thought they wouldn't hurt a cat? Also silly that the other guy, the killer of Ryan, was sensitive about the reason he threw the cat! give me a break!


My husband is a police officer and was a detective at one point (before being moved due to a promotion he sought out). He explained that fresh blood doesn't have a lot of smell. Once the blood starts coagulating (thickening) that's when the smell starts. He said it has a metallic smell. She should have been able to smell it. Especially, after taking a shower. She also should have smelled "Chad" when she was getting out of the shower. There are several things like that throughout the movie. I like Keaton though. It was ok. 3 out of 5 stars. Haha! My own rating chart.


Thanks for that!


I believe it's the iron in blood that makes it smell. Several years ago we built a new house and the water smelt like blood to me. With some testing and later on the iron stains we figured out the water had too much iron in it and that's why I could smell it.


Yes, it is the iron in the blood's hemoglobin that smells. Hemoglobin molecules do not contain iron atoms but (charged) iron ions, which are rapidly oxidized into oxyhemoglobin upon exposure to air. Oxyhemoglobin is effectively hemoglobin with iron rust instead of iron, thus the strong rust smell.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


I forgot to add yes its from the metallic kinda smell blood and iron have


With so much blood I would think she would have smelled it, even a non blind person would likely smell that.

The Filmmakers clearly just wanted to milk that moment for dramatic effect. Same result. She discovers the body

That said, in defense of the filmmaker choice not necessarily being a plot hole, at this point in the story Sara is completely oblivious to any wrongdoing. She's not expecting there to be a dead body in her kitchen so her senses wouldn't be keyed into everything, whereas later when she smells them in the apartment. Sara is already on high alert


exactly my thoughts too!! it was too much blood and she was too close!


Plot hole - You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.
