MovieChat Forums > Inside Llewyn Davis (2014) Discussion > Did You Feel Sorry For Llewyn?

Did You Feel Sorry For Llewyn?

Llewyn was portrayed as being a guy who did have good qualities, however had poor judgement, and sometimes was unnecessarily mean to people. Like when he blew up at the dinner party with the Gorfeins or when he kept unnecessarily making fun of Troy.

As he was the main protagonist in this film, did you feel sorry for him? Or were you more on the side of Jean's perspective that this is all within his control, and that it has been his decisions or indecisions that have brought about the run of luck that he had throughout the course of the movie?

What do you think?


I feel bad for him the same way I feel bad for my exes who have left me for men who abuse them. Yes, I pity him for naivety, but I also acknowledge that every last one of his problems are avoidable if he only would be more patient and swallow his pride.



Check out this video on the film if you enjoyed the music:


It's a mixed bag, like most folks have commented already. Not only do I know this guy, I've probably BEEN this guy on more than one occasions. He's just one of those guys that's committed to the point of being stubborn about it. I never saw him do anything out of maliciousness, but he just can't get out of his own way more often than not.

On one hand you want to praise the drive he has toward becoming a successful solo act, and you do understand the chip on his shoulder he carries since his former partner killed himself, and that's never easy to deal with.

On the other hand, he is pretty pretentious with his whole "keeping it pure, maaaaa, you're being a careerist, not an artist, maaaaan!" attitude about it. Hate to break it to ya, Llewyn, but one of those ACTUALLY helps pays the bills that you're in desperate need of, and it ain't your way.

I think he slightly comes around at the end where he finally throws his hands up and admits that he's tired and that he's going back to the merchant marines. Though of course he has to go back to the club where he heckles that woman and we know how that ends...

It was about 2/3 his own doing, and 1/3 of him just having the worse kind of luck. Probably wouldn't trust him with MY cat, but again, I know believably flawed people like this, so I can't truly hate this character.


I don't feel sorry for Llewyn in the least. Every one of his problems he has brought upon himself through his own poor judgement and self centeredness. Then on top of all that he always has a big chip on his shoulder and is mean spirited to literally everyone he encounters. He feels sorry for himself. He chooses to be an a**hole.


Not really. He was really self centered and because he thought he was a TRUE artist he totally failed to see the changes going on a round him, all the way up to the end when he didnt even watch Dylan perform.

Llewyn was inside a groundhog day of his own making as demonstrated by the circular construction of the film.
