The White Western Woman

I don't mean to sound controversial (and pardon me if I do), but a friend of mine watched the film and she though that the Erica sounded like a clueless, disrespectful and ignorant woman. That, in combination with the portrait of the white American woman in the Namesake makes me wonder if Mira Nair has quite a stereotypical image of western females, especially those that who get involved with Asian men. I have not seen Amelia (and I imagine many people wouldn't recommend it). Don't get me wrong, I love the way she presents strong Asian women, but when it comes to western women, it feels quite fabricated. Again, don't get me wrong and please present your opinion with civility.


I won't read all the other crap, people thinking they're smart, leaving all types of a-hole, long-winded, misconceptions. (I did start to try, but it was obvious at the outset that answers were horrendous and show your level of stupidity). SO, let's set it straight. It is a portrayal of a HOPELESSLY RICH woman! She is Bourgeois to the max, basically - and the insinuations of your post are extremely tiring; CHILD-like perpetuations of a retarded, moronic, REGRESSIVE, pseudo-feminism. I don't give a darn if you are a man or a woman - ignorance and boredom are a terrible mix. And I'm angry, as always :), because it sux to continue to see the world never really advancing, because people (such as you and the first posts I read), just can't get past elementary interpretations or understandings of anything! So, what good was your education!? And I particularly lament the future of our species and the near impossibility of progression - when, shown here by you and a few Bourgeois peers - we cannot even hope that an elementary feminism can be "worked" towards. Good day.
PS. LOOK and understand your world; eg. take an old, Bangladeshi, let's say poet (yes, inspired by the film), and a young, bond-trading, NY woman - if both are BOURGEOIS, then they might as well be identical twins when compared to ordinary, let's say poor, people. IT IS NOT (primarily) ABOUT HER BEING A WOMAN, got it!? Poor people get to make huge, "artistic" installations, about their Pakistani lovers, in Manhattan - which are totally, f* ing crap - with fine wine/champagne flowing freely, probably even being paid, etc, etc?? NO, THEY DO NOT.


I am a woman and I am not angry :P

Rich people (men, women, black, white, orange) are people. They have personalities, as much as other people would like to imagine them as two-headed monsters. If you have read the book, you would have noticed that Erica was a well-written character that was very rich, but was also very humane. What I am asking is to find the person behind the persona, the individual behind the stereotype.

My post was about Mira Nair as a director and her artistic choices as far as white women are concerned.

And my education has served me well. Thank you very much for your concern


Well Ma'am,

I'm a muslim, a Pakistani and yes I've also studied in Europe. You started quite debate here. The bottomline, in my humble opinion is, that despite the numerous posts this question has gathered, no one will be change their opinions. That's the very reason most debates are inherently futile.

Before any logical arugment gets the chance to be observed by the debators, their egos are stake and all is lost.

People say things about Islam that sure make it sound like a less tolerable system than the Western system. What they don't understand is that tolerance is not based on some universal rules. It's a state of being with many circumstances and assumptions taken for so granted they appear invisible.

Americans kill innocents with drones all the time in my country with the perfect knowledge and go-ahead of elected representatives that civilians, including hundreds of kids would die. I'd say that, despite considering it very wrong on a personal level, thank God we only allow hitting a woman where it leaves no mark - let alone kill children in USA. Till very late, keeping slaves in USA and that too only blacks was perfectly ok. Thank God, Islam banned it sharply 1400 years ago.

A society tolerates what the majority considers tolerable. In Germany, denying holocaust is a crime when it's a normal freedom of speech elsewhere. Roaming around naked is a crime in USA when it's perfectly normal in many primitive African tribes. America, despite with clearly high numbers of homicides due to pathetic gun laws, still continues to tolerate such a menace.

So say when a Muslim society has it's own ideas of tolerance, BAM comes the outsider to tell us how intolerant we are. Dear all, tolerance and intolerance only makes sense to the society that it applies to. I could do the same but the truth is, in their pursuit of tolerance, what the Americans or perhaps other western states too have developed is an inability to tolerate other paradigms and notions of tolerance.

Western world with all it's technological advancements, due in large part to the borrowed riches and even human resources in the form of slaves of the poor nations (If anyone cares to read about the British or American History) believe since they are better off, their notions of tolerance must be better.

Wrong assumption. It has nothing to do with tolerance.

So guys, let's just enjoy the movie and keep our opinions in perspective!


That was by far the best comment in this white supremacist-dominated post. Congrats! You're a THINKER and not an emotionally-motivated RANTER. Thanks for your refreshing comment. :-)




She came across as the hipster yuppie type. She is by no means the typical American woman in my opinion. But with a movie set in New York and with the by being a Pakistani Muslim she is probably the kind of woman who will be with him. I know it sounds weird cause she is among the most liberal slice of America compared to conservative Islam, but a conservative, small town girl who goes to church every Sunday is probably not going to date a Muslim. In order for it to be the 2nd kind of girl, Chengez would have to have been born in America and grew up American.

Changez did look and act a lot like a terrorist right after the art exhibition there was something so dark and evil about him in that scene, like the shot of a hijacker about to board a plane or a terrorist about to take hostages.



I`ve read some of the comments posted in this forum and it seems too me that you are discussing someting irrelevant for the film.

Erica is suppose to represent a typical view of AmEricans. She is naiv and reckless and her actions have tremendous consequenses for others, like Chris` car accident.

Her reluctance to love Changez is an ecco of Americas reaction after 9/11. Instead of moving forward and try to make the best of the situation, she is hung up on the past, always looking back to Chris(topher Columbus). And this unables her to be really good to others (Changez).

The author/filmakers is trying to convey some criticism towards Americas view towards other countries and its reactions through this Character, and its actually pretty well done if you really pay attention.

