So much smoking

I was disgusted. Was it necessary to include all these scenes in the movie? its 2014 ffs. Smoking is obsolete. Smokers are retarded.


Nice, with my harsh language I have attracted some smokers to the thread. Nice for you guys, defending your dangerous little ecstasy, and claiming I am a narrow minded bigot. Yes, back in those times people smoked. Obviously... Again I am asking, how did the portrayal of heavy smoking contribute to the movie, except for the sake of showing reality. I think this is not a child's movie but considering it has a pg rating of 13(because of smoking and other stuff) teenagers watched and will be watching this. When do teenagers start smoking? They mostly start at high school. When do they start high school? 14-15? The pg rating is pretty much useless in this case.

You don't see the big picture and I can't blame you for it...


I am smarter than most of you. Cry.


I picked up smoking. Thanks to you all.

Hey, Soldier. Do you know who's in command here?


Depicting smoking as it was is a hallmark of period pieces like this. I think it handled the smoking than a lot of other modern movies where the smoking seems to stand out, almost like it's supposed to be a little ironic. The smoking depicted in the movie seemed to me more like what you would expect from a movie made a long time ago. It's just sort of there matter-of-factly.

It's a biographical piece and as such I think they are trying to adhere to a hyper-realistic depiction. Miyazaki is a stickler for details, it isn't just the drawings that are super-detailed, the world they inhabit is alwyays full of details. The smoking in this movie is just another one of those details.

I'm sorry you were "disgusted", but that was the way life was back then. Piston driven aircraft as are obsolete as smoking, but of course you'd never suggest that the movie should not depict any piston-driven aircraft.


its 2014 ffs.

except it's not, in the movie.

you know, there's also dying and war and earthquakes in the movie, but i guess you didn't notice that.


that's what I noticed with Sky Crawlers (which were also about pilots) why do pilots love smoking so much?


You are correct OP(HellRaidertr), all those replying that smoking is nothing serious seems to be smokers themselves.
It boggles my mind how they are are comparing natural disasters with profit oriented human made disasters.


Isnt this a movie for adults? I dont like smoking but he needs to show theworld as is and they didnt know how awful and dangerous it was then


Isnt this a movie for adults? I dont like smoking but he needs to show theworld as is and they didnt know how awful and dangerous it was then


Oh and ableist language is not okay, so yeah you are a bigot.


adolf hitler shared the very same thoughts you have, congratulations.


Spoken like a true dirty, worthless, pathetic, smelly smoker. Just go into exile or something so no one has to deal with your kind.


i'm not a smoker, never was, and i hate their smell more than you, i just hate tyrants much more, your stink can suffocate me right now.


There might have been a fairly good point in there somewhere, but unfortunately it's buried under your painful levels of self-righteousness, arrogance, and general douchey-ness.
