How is it for a child?

I've got a 5 year old. He hasn't seen to many PG-13 movies but we did take our chances with Man of Steel, and he handled that OK. How does this compare?


This movie is not for kids at all. There is no 'violence' or other disturbing things in it, but a child could get bored, not understanding the depth and subtleties. I am not sure what age limit would be appropriate, but I am thinking a 10-year old could understand and enjoy it (depending on the child's nature).


My sons, ages 7 and 9, both loved it, though I think the seven year old got a little restless here and there. But it is such a beautiful movie in so many ways that I'd say you should risk it, just so you can see it on the big screen.


There's absolutely nothing in this film a child would find interesting unless they were interested in the subject matter (specifically aeronautical engineering). Just because the movie is animated doesn't mean it's aimed at children.


Do not take a 5 year old to see this.

We had a family of small children sitting near us and it was torture for them. This is not a film for young children.


There was a 6 year old girl in the cinema (all the remaining 15 or so people were adults) and she fell asleep halfway through. I think it is a beautiful film and appropriate for children by all means, but a bit long.


Stick to taking him to see the Disney and Pixar flicks. Most of studio Ghibli films especialy Grave Of The Fireflies Princess Mononoke are inapropriiate for small children. The only pne I would sugest you might see is ponyo. Also I would question taking a 5 year old to Man of Steel thats 7 years till he is 12. Its like would you take him to see A Woman In Black thats a 12A yet no way I think there should be a limit to 8 years old for 12A and PG 13 films.


Most of studio Ghibli films especialy Grave Of The Fireflies Princess Mononoke are inapropriiate for small children
I'm sorry, but I must disagree strongly here. I agree that Princess Mononoke, Grave of the Fireflies, Tales from Earthsea and The Wind Rises are not for children. But literally every other Ghibli movie I've seen is family friendly. And filled with more heart and soul than most anything found in American animation (although America is getting better about using animation to tell great stories).

Amongst the great family movies of Ghibli are:
Castle in the Sky
The Cat Returns
Howl's Moving Castle
Kiki's Delivery Service
My Neighbor Totoro
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds (Don't like the film myself, but a lot of people enjoy it)
Porco Rosso (Not aimed at kids directly, but it is a good deal more appropriate for them than most "family" movies out there)
Spirited Away
Whisper of the Heart

I believe that Ghibli has produced many of the greatest movies I've ever seen. I pity the children who are raised solely on Disney and Pixar and Dreamworks; not that there is anything wrong with those studios, they've all done good work... but Ghibli is special. I can't see any American studio tackling something like My Neighbor Totoro or Kiki's Delivery Service with the same grace and depth.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


This is simply a mature movie.
It's animated, non-violent, but it's simply not for kids.
Man of Steel has more violence in it but is actually more appropriate for children.


I know I'm almost two years late.
But this is just not a kids movie. It's a very mature film. Man of Steel may have more things in it that's scary but it would be better since the Wind Rises is essentially a drama during war time.
