Too brutal for kids!

Is this supposed to be a kids movie cuz it was everything but that! So many atrocities are shown,too violent for kids to handle the emotions. And I don't get what that little kid was supposed to imply? Why did he act like a wild beast? There is no back story as to why and how he ended up like that! No comic relief in the middle of the story. No moment of fun and happiness. It kept going on like a horror fest. It's not how you make a kids movie!
"WTF" was my response throughout the movie!
RIP Pixar


Spot had also been separated from his family. He walked on all fours, but when reunited, his parents taught him to stand upright. You learn these important things from family, it's hard when you're on your own.


That wasn't his family; his parents did die. The humans they came across were another family who adopted him.

Hey, how about the fact that I fought an Avenger and didn't die?


Lol..."RIP Pixar", huh?

Did you happen to catch a little film called Inside Out by any chance?


Wasn't any more brutal that Lion King or many other Disney movies. Had a lot of good messages.


Agreed. I guess parents want there kids to be 25 or maybe even 30 to learn about the evils of the world. Lol


My kids loved it and are watching it everyday, nothing scary or brutal about it.


My 3 year old was not traumatized but I also don't shelter him either.


Agree too many decapitations and lovable creatures being eaten for my taste in terms of unsuitable for kids. Cute and fun though. Could do with less bonks on the head. Formulaic but adult in a good way. Highschool kids would love this.


The only thing i found that is over the top was the scene were spot mutilated the creature/giant bug.


Dude go watch legit every other Disney movie, Tarzan has his villian fall and get his neck cough in a vine snapping his neck. The fights and deaths in lion king. People always say something bad about a Disney movie before thinking about how its in all of them. Disney would not put out anything too brutal for kids under a pg rating


Disney has always had an evil step parent or a death of a parent. I did not think it was brutal. Our 3 year old loved it and wasn't scared. I agree with LoganHH.

"Have you seen or touched any monkey's?" Monty, Late Show with David Letterman
