MovieChat Forums > Kiss of the Damned (2013) Discussion > I loved it .... if you dig 70s style ero...

I loved it .... if you dig 70s style erotic vampire flicks....

then you should check this out.


Thats exactly what it felt like, a Jesus Franco film. Why was that? I think I had that feel immediately just from the grain of the picture and then from the framing of some shots, eg still exterior shots from groundlevel etc.. there is also the plot I suppose..

Off topic, after careful analysis of the plot my conclusion is that it was the films writer/director Xan Cassavetes justifying to his girlfriend why he slept with her sister. Oops but she is a woman. No, I just don't get it.


Agree. Like "The Duke Of Burgundy", this is another modern movie that takes inspiration from 70's euro-cult cinema. Jess Franco would have gone with more nudity, though. This (Kiss Of The Damned) was pretty light on that.
