Suicide = WEAK

Anyone who commits suicide was weak to begin with. You rather kill yourself over some stupid 'bullying' than to just ignore them and go on with your life. If bullying is so bad then talk to your parents about transferring to another school or even see if its possible to get home schooled. So she what. Its high school. They would have teased her for another month or so before someone else did something stupid.

Vete a la mierda. Tenga un buen día.


My thoughts exactly. This movie bothered me so much. The girl who killed herself was such a pathetic brat. She was a horrible person for basically ruining her moms life just because some girls in high school were mean to her, especially since she was soon leaving high school and going to college. She had so many other options that were much less selfish. Stick it out for the rest of the year, transfer schools, finish high school online, talk to her mom about it, talk to a school counselor, etc.

Someone needs to tell these kids that no one gives a sh*t about who you were in high school once you get to college, the world doesn't revolve around you. And give me a break about losing the stupid scholarship, tons of people go to college without a scholarship, and her mom was completely supportive. The degree of selfishness and lack of confidence in the simplest things in this girl is astounding.

This movie was such a joke.



Its pretty amazing how people can have some similar opinions, but very different outlooks.

I was thinking the whole time about how close she was to college, how much pain her mother was in etc. But I look at it from a position of empathy and concern. I've known people who commit suicide, and just thinking about how much better their lives could've gotten after high school, or after they leave their parent's house just breaks my heart.

I would never describe someone who kills themselves as "pathetic"

Proud member of AACAR (Americans Against Crappy American Remakes)


Glad to see empathy for others is still in existence. You're both terrible people.


Wow!! So this is what humanity has come to. Glad people are still kind and understanding.


When her tombstone was defaced, it made me the most upset. All I could think is that now she was dead and truly helpless against this evil. I wish she could have fought back instead of letting the evil win. People who commit suicide must feel a despair that the rest of us are lucky not to experience.

As long as I have one ass instead of two I'll wear what I like if that's alright with you


How about a little empathy for the people who are hurting so much, who feel so trapped or miserable, that they see death as their only relief?


I don't think they chose the right kind of character for this movie to be effective. This girl was one of the most popular girls in school before she chose to "sext", so the teasing went on for maybe a month. If they chose a character who was an outcast for years and she was being teased for no reason other than she wasn't "popular" people would have more sympathy for the girl and her mother. I'm not saying Dina deserved to be bullied, but she wasn't completely innocent either.

Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.


This post by Kristen and the one below by Cathy made sense. The Dina character seemed to have everything going for her, so the storyline was a little unbelievable, although occasionally you do hear about a suicide of someone that seemed to have it all. Still, she wasn't a particularly sympathy evoking person although I felt very sorry for her mother.



You miss the point then. When people have been picked on for long periods of time, they learn to cope, and those who seemingly have it all, they have the furthest to fall when something like this happens.
Coping skills are learned, and appearing to.have it all isn't all its chalked up to be.


And why would these high school kids be all offended by sexting when you have kids who are promiscuious and having real sex all the time and sometimes even have sex while in school?! Plus tons of kids are sexting now days. Apparently the girl in the movie was a virgin and then deemed a "slut" because of sending a sext message. Why would she kill herself over them calling her a slut if she knew she was not really a slut? Just blow it off. Other girls were open about doing much worse things like the blonde girl who actually "did it" with the virgin's boyfriend at a dance or something and didn't care who knew? Now she was a slut! I agree that extreme bullying can really harm a person but come on, she's the damn homecoming queen and miss popularity. I doubt if the entire school would turn against her just because of that minor incident.


i love how people judge others when they have no idea.

you are a piece of mierda.

The Path to Hell is paved with good intentions.


Shame on you. You just have an answer for everything, don't you?

The food came and so did I.
