cars in snow

how do those little cars drive in the snow and ice? whenever I have been driving in such conditions I see cars bigger then those spinning out because of no traction

apple a day,thats what they say


i live in northern ontario and we have about a dozen smart cars in town that drive all year round, never saw them have a problem , i drive a toyota yaris, never had a problem.


What does the Toyota Yaris have to do with it? It's about the grip your wheels have on snow and icy roads, not whether you're driving a Chevrolet, a Volvo, a Smart Car or whatever.



I've been driving my whole life in Minnesota in front wheel drive cars and never had a problem. It's just practice. Rear wheel drive is fine too. You just have to pay attention to weight transfer and remember that you can't stop when it's slippery.



winter tires on a little car work just fine. my car is only 700 pounds and I never spin out. If anything cars are better for having front wheel drive.

I spin out more on my rear wheel drive truck if no weight in back or no winter tires.

With 4w drive and studded winter tires even better!


Most replies have touched on the skill required and winter tires being a key factor. Properly equpped small cars should have no problem in such conditiins. It's also important to note that stick shift helps greatly with more control over your vehicle. I often find myself passing up people durring our Chicago winters. I'm more worried about someone else losing control.


I know this is an old thread but, if you live in a northern country driving on roads that don't get nearly enough plowing or sand, the tricks are as follows.

Small Car with a manual transmission.
Narrow all-season tires (they dig into the snow, wide tires float)
Minimal horsepower
Also remember "In a spin, both feet in" Once you've lost it completely, and are ass backwards, just try to make yourself predictable for others. You will also tend to skid towards the shoulder due to the crown on the road.


In one of the earlier episodes, the main character asks why we prefer to drive with sticks...

Well this is one of those reasons (it gives the driver much better control over the vehicle).

It`s far easier to start a war than to end one.
