The doll girl, jeeze.

Okay dolls are generally creepy on their own, but I've never been a person that's outright terrified of them. But the doll girl.. thing.. in this film absolutely scared the crap out of me.

Her movements, the sounds she made, her eyes, and the fact that there's no real explanation behind her (which is good) just outright gave me the chills. There was something just so... inhuman about it. As in, it wasn't just some person in a costume acting, it just felt wrong and bizarre.

Props to the actress, hope to God I never run into that thing. Honestly if I saw someone wearing that costume at a party, I'd probably run and *beep* my pants simultaneously.

Kill. It. With. Fire. ugh.


Anyone think she was trying to warn them, her and the 50 some odd clowns/ghosts who appeared around the trailer then disappeared? I bet they were the previous victims and were trying to get the five people to turn back.

Keeper of Rumpelstiltskin's walking stick
Lady Gold


That's an interesting theory, but if the previous victims had escaped why come to warn them in such a bizarre way?

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Yeah, brilliant, they came to warn them then turn around and kill the guy in the alley later. Jesus do you ppl even think before you post?


lol True. And if they had come to warn them how about out right saying, "Hey you guys could be in serious trouble here. Go home."

No...nothing like that was said in the movie.

I gotta go feed that thing in Room 33.


Here's the mask she wears in the movie, if interested:


total truth. One of the creepiest horror outfits I've seen.


she reminds me of the character doll face from twisted metal black.


I think the film is gradually building a cult audience. One of the haunts I went to this past Halloween season (one of the biggest in the country) had the doll girl (Porcelain) wandering around outside of it, scaring people in the line and in general, disturbing the hell out of everyone. It was pretty cool too.

I gotta go feed that thing in Room 33.


Great Post!!

Agreed, in fact I want more of "doll girl" aka Porcelain.

Any chance of a franchise?

Found Footage list, best to worst


I thought she was kinda cute, at lot better than that whimpering girl Brandy..

"Gar nicht so übel, du kleine Schlampe. Man sieht sich immer zweimal, Kleine."

