What a Mess

Outside of the mild lesbian scenes and underwear shots, this movie was pretty godamn bad.

Who knew Rumer Willis had a bangin' body?



OK, so what I find so damn irritating is that the plot could have actually made some sort of sense if, and thats a HUGE IF, the friggin' writer and director would have taken even a millisecond of this movie's runtime, and actually laid out THE FACTS OF THIS MOVIE'S PLOT!

I mean, really WTF, people? I watched this flick a coupla years ago strictly due to the fact that its cast is comprised of a coupla actors that I like.. After that initial viewing I walked away with a real "ok, that was pretty weak" feeling about this movie.. So, fast forward to a few years down the road and I just happened upon this movie, again, and thought oh well, what the heck since I really couldnt even remember what all happened in the movie except for the fact that I knew Taylor Cole's character had a sister, whose ghost was there, in the home of where they were doing their psych experiment..

I watched it in its entirety, and then happened to pause it during the end credits where I suddenly discovered a HUGE, MASSIVE PIECE OF THE MOVIE'S ENTIRE PLOT!! UNBELIEVEABLE! ..and I'd dare say that most viewers of this pitiful flick are all in the same boat as I in not having a damn clue about key points of the movie!

Or maybe I'm completely wrong, and I'm in fact the only idiot who didnt know, or comprehend that all 4 of these college psych students(who supposedly have no connection to one another, and are only randomly paired together by the class professor) IN REALITY these 4 not only FULL WELL KNOW EACH OTHER, but know each other from childhood..not only were their childhoods shared..more importantly they ALL 4 WERE PRESENT IN THE HOME THE DAY THAT BECKETT'S SISTER, MOLLOY, WAS VICIOUSLY STABBED TO DEATH!

Yep! that's right, important, key pieces to this movie's plot are so very poorly executed, and/or coherently pieced together and shown within the movie's short runtime..WTF? How did the person whose script/screenplay this is not have a t-total-breakdown upon seeing his/her plot utterly disseminated during some point in the process of this movies making(be it the director, editor, etc.. who either failed in the filming, or failed in the post-shooting editing process).

Somewhere, someone royally effed up the storyline of this movie because no where in this film is it relayed to the viewer that these 4 college students were very much connected from childhood, and not only connected but intimately, deeply, tragically connected from all having been present in the home on the day of Molloy's brutal slaughter..along with the fact that it's actually 1 of the 4 college co-eds who slaughtered playmate(and Beckett's sister), Molloy!

Yea, they did atleast manage to make that plot point somewhat clear in that it was NOT Graves' father who murdered young, innocent Molloy, but rather it was Graves, himself, as a child who knifed Molloy to death as older sister Beckett watched from the bedroom's closet.

I guess we're to assume that its not just sister, Beckett who conveniently,and completely blocked out not only that she witnessed her younger sister brutally stabbed to death, but that she also completely blocked out the fact that she even had a sibling, period! its not as though we're talking about a teeny child of age 3 or so, but rather we're talking about a child of almost pubescent age that's completely blocked out that she had a close in age sister for the vast majority of her years growing up..WTF, is with that? ..but, ok, I can even swallow that, but what I can't swallow is the fact that there are 3 other same aged children that were initimately known, and involved throughout their shared childhoods, yet ALL 3 OF THEM have totally and completely blocked out that one of their playmates was slaughtered(and one of them actually did it)..as well as ALL 3 OF THEM have totally forgotten that they ever even knew each other..REALLY??..WTF??..NONE OF THEM ARE AWARE THAT THE HOUSE THAT THEY'RE STAYING IN PRESENTLY IS SOMEWHERE THEY'D ALL BEEN DURING THEIR "SHARED" CHILDHOODS?!?

Again, we were clearly given the info that Graves was indeed a key part of Beckett and Molloy's childhood, and in the end we're shown that it was he, who was in fact the killer of Molloy, instead of his sick-o father(played by Billy Zane in the flashbacks) who everyone had assumed was the knife wielding psychopath!.. but nowhere were we adequately shown that both, Elliot and Lucky, were also part of the equation.. NOPE, nothing at all to indicate that Elliot and/or Lucky were ever any part whatsoever of neither Beckett, or Graves', childhood! IMO, there wasn't even the slightest clue to even begin to point to either one of those two having been in any way even known to either Beckett or Graves.. the only hint is to their having at some point previously slept together(Elliot and Lucky), but zilch about their connection to each other, or to Beckett, Graves, or Molloy!

I just honestly believe that had they chosen to coherently lay out the plot of this film, that it could have actually been a decent movie..but, nope, as it stands with the way in which they chose to release this movie to the masses it is an UTTER FAIL!!

**my apologies for the long, droning rant about a movie that is from several years back, and even then it was an irrelevant flick that by the time the end credits rolled its movie's content was already long since forgotten..**
