
Am I really the only one who loved Saffron Burrows' character in the Bones episode? I cant imagine the studio dropping an actor and an entire character over an accent.


Just watched the 'Bones' episode and thought it was a cross over with an existing series. Now I see what they were doing.
My point is, despite being English myself, I had more difficulty understanding her than the other characters! I guess she went a bit over the top with exagerating a sort of South London accent and spoke too quickly so it all came out a little garbled. Her accent in 'The Bank Job' was similar but much better.


I liked Saffron's character as well. The two ladies that replaced her seem artificial to me, the "gypsy" girl (which eerily resembles with Saffron) is far fetched, way too blonde and too cute to be believable for such a life. And the hot detective is even less believable - she doesn't seem to have a boyfriend (or girlfriend ;-) ). I think the girl power trend that I see in the latest tv series is overdone in her case.

To me Saffron's character was astute and offered some brain power to the team through her sense of observation and capacity to connect the dots. The other two women I am not too sure what they offer other than cuteness and skin.

I still like the series though and I'll continue to watch it.
