
This is another handheld camera movie, that is shaky, and looks like it was recorded on someone's cell phone. I've never been able to figure out why people like movies that are recorded like this? I guess maybe they're cheaper if you don't have to pay a cameraman and use real equipment? It could have been so much better if it wasn't for the handheld camera crap.


I don't want to defend the movie (because it's crap), but it wasn't meant to be a documentary. It was supposed to look like a found footage compilation/film.
And in these days, with a LOT of cheap horror/supernatural movies, filmmakers and producers are better off doing found footage stuff, because a lot of people buy this, instead of cheap 'regular filmed' movies.
People nowadays want reality TV/flicks.


rammstein13965 said:

And in these days, with a LOT of cheap horror/supernatural movies, filmmakers and producers are better off doing found footage stuff, because a lot of people buy this, instead of cheap 'regular filmed' movies.
People nowadays want reality TV/flicks

Maybe some people do but I intentionally avoid films with "found footage" technique as any significant portion of the film. I don't watch TV, I don't particularly care for home movies, and I have no interest in found footage films beyond the very occasional bit used in a "regular" film.

I don't even like when they move the camera too much during action scenes in big budget movies. It doesn't create a sense of chaos and action, it creates a sense that they skimped on the stunts and want crappy camera technique to cover it up.


i also get completely bummed when i go to watch a film and find out its found footage format...
I'm not going to say that there all bad but it seems just because these things can be produced on the cheap there has been a literal flood of bad found footage films...
there are some exceptions but most do suck...


gives me a headache


I agree, this one was even more shaky than MTV used to be (I don't know what they do now).

Somehow I was curious enough to stick through it. It got relatively steady at about the 2/3 mark.
