MovieChat Forums > Carrie (2013) Discussion > Better than Original

Better than Original

Sorry guys but this was better than the original. The original feels like it takes forever and the are only a few scenes worrh watching and the rest of the movie lags, but this was enjoyable right from the first 30 seconds. The only semi likable char in original was Tommy. In this one kids are being kids and bullies, but some DO feel guilt,and most of the adults are personable. Totally worth it.


never in a million years


This is quite possibly the WORST remake I had ever seen. AVOID IT.
Never in a million years this would be as better as De Palma's version. Chloë Grace Moretz never got the grip of the part, making weird faces as she uses her telekinetic powers, she looked like a subnormal person. It was a disappointment from the usually brilliant Julianne Moore. Both were not close to the wonderful performances that Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie did back in the 70's.
After a great directing the full feature version of Boys Don't Cry, Kimberly Peirce was terrible.
This film is such a mess... avoid it.


Do you really think a person who really wants to see the movie would listen to you? No, they would watch it and probably have a fun time with it. And plus, I think its way better than the mediocre original. My friends love it like me. Possibly the greatest remake according to me.

Be Brave and Never Give Up ^.^


You like it cause it's like a Harry Potter movie. You kids probably should stick to the remake cause the original is too good for you and friends.


A. I'm not a kid

B. Its not a Harry Potter movie

C. My friends like the original as well

D. We prefer the remake

Be Brave and Never Give Up ^.^


Ignore this person. It is not true. This remake is wonderful and better than the original. And Kimberly Peirce is amazing!!!

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.


Yeah, ignore this person. The original is so much better than this remake.


Yeah, ignore the idiot who constantly insults the film that he hates because he has nothing else to do. Oh wait...That's you!

Be Brave and Never Give Up ^.^


Shut up, you wart!

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.


Whoa whoa woah. I was talking about eightofourpm!

Be Brave and Never Give Up ^.^

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She called you a wart.


You're a huge annoyance...

Be Brave and Never Give Up ^.^


Shut up wart.



I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.


Sissy spacek is a much better choice for Carrie than Chloe.
Having the story take place in todays society with internet, smartphones and such it makes for a very unbelievable story. Even if you shield your child from boys and the outside world, it is practically impossible to keep the kid unaware of things such as menstruation.

I can't imagine ANY 17-18 year old girl out there in the civilized world not knowing what a period is. Unless you locked her up all those years in the basement without TV, internet or any contact with anyone in the outside world.

The only thing that made it worth watching was Gabriella Wilde.
That is one seriously hot girl!



Even if you shield your child from boys and the outside world, it is practically impossible to keep the kid unaware of things such as menstruation.
I agree. And the way she stood up to her mother right off the bat showed that she wasn't some wimpy kid who knew nothing.


The original is an american classic. You mention the beginning of the movie. There's no comparison to the original. The overhead shot the starts the movie and ends with Chris Hargenson saying: You eat *beep* In the face of Carrie White packs way more punch than this Water-Volleyball scene with a by the way mumbling of the "You eat *beep* line they conjured up in the remake.

Carrie White's mother? Piper Laurie scares the living hell out of me, her physical presence can not be reached in any scene by Julianne Moore. Julianne Moore is a good actress but a bad villain. Furthermore the southern accents of Piper Laurie and Sissy Spacek add a creepy level to the religious fanatics the remake simply lacks.

The build up to the scene at the Prom Night? Simply no there in the remake?
The original had an intricate way of building up the tension to the climax.

And as for the visuals? You've got to be kidding to choose the remake over the original? Brian De Palma crafted an American Gothic classic and the look of the Prom Night scene has been copied so many times. Carrie from 1976 has almost defined what the 70s on film must look like.

To choose this remake, is like choosing some fourth grade Coca-Cola copy over the real thing. And all those comments about closer to the book is better? Have you read Shining, or any book that Alfred Hitchcock made into a movie? Closer to the book does not mean it's a better movie, more often it's a case of the less respect you have for the book, the better the movie. These are two very different mediums and what works in Film is often very far from the book it's based upon.



You suck reggie.


Total Garbage! The only reason I gave this a 2 rating is because I watched the entire pile. Are people serious about this? Are you actually saying this was better than DePalma's masterpiece...It is not even a horror flick! In Carrie's "rage" she spares the gym teacher! I love Julian Moore but I know she did this just because this was one of her fav's. Horrible from beginning to end. If Stephen King were to watch 1/4 of this his head would explode in embarrassment, and that's saying a lot because a lot of shidty films were made from his books...including his participation in some!


The original is bad. She spares the gym teacher because Miss Desjardin was nice to her. She wasn't laughing at Carrie and Desjardin doesn't die in the book.

Be Brave and Never Give Up ^.^


The remake is bad. The original is a master piece.


Not only does the original feature horrid acting from John Travolta and Nancy Allen, it is also an insult to the source material. Killing everyone was an insult. Most of the performances we're insults, everything is not good. Its cheesy and not scary at all.

Be Brave and Never Give Up ^.^


This Harry Potter Carrie is horrible and everyone agrees.


Not everyone agrees. A lot of people really love it. You shouldn't assume things you don't know. Just like Homer Simpson, you need to shut up you troll.

Be Brave and Never Give Up ^.^


They didn't love the movie. They love Chloe and anything she is in is gold to them, but to everyone else, she's just average and her movie Carrie was way below average. It will never be as good as the 76 version. So, anyways, like all raptors, you should be buried in some mountain side or something.



agreed. The old one is very dated and typical of films of the 70's. Long over-acted scenes.
This version has a few issues but overall much better than the scretching violins of the 1979 version.


This version has tons of issues and it has the dumbest score. The 76 version blows this movie away.




"The original feels like it takes forever"

It's Brian De Palma. Learn something before looking stupid.

