spanish movie mmmmm

I bought this movie from my local Tesco on Monday for just £9. I didn't realise that it was Spanish and had subtitles. When I did realise, i thought it was going to be a bag of crap like many other foreign movies lately. But I was completely blown away at how good it was from start to finish I was on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what was going on and what the twist was going to be. I didn't figure it out at all which made it even better. The acting was excellent from everyone. I gave this movie a 9 out of 10 because I think it deserves it....

Victims...........arent we all.


I've been enjoying the films coming out of Spain lately. Sometimes the subtitles are a little harder to follow than in the J-horror I was watching, but much of the acting and the stories have been very original and entertaining.



Exactly. Their versions of the [REC] series are better than the remakes. I think I saw all 6(?) of the "Films to Die For" and enjoyed The Baby's Room the best, IIRC. I can't remember the others I have seen, as I don't remember the names well, but there have been quite a few.


I think those films are now being marketed as "6 films to keep you awake"? Is that what you're talking about?

"oh mummy, oh daddy - lets all play Kabadi!"


I think you are right. The "films to die for" seem to be j-horror. Wonder what happened? But those sound like the right films. I never got them on DVD, just watched on TV. I'm constantly surprised by little jems I find hidden away in hundreds of bland movies.


I think I understand your point. There's a difference between Spanish movies (as in from Spain) vs spanish movies (as in from Mexico or such).

Spanish movies are really awesome and well made.
