
Sorry, but i wanted to smack the broad in this episode...what a...i can't even...with her "healing space" and her throwing stuff at the cat...stupid ^#&@%.


One of my cats passed away last year at the age of 20. She did become a bit of a handful in her elderly years, sleeping in the linen cupboard and getting cat hair on our clean sheets and towels, constantly needing attention, wanting to be picked up and carried around almost everywhere. And you know what, I gave her whatever she needed, so what if I had to pick her up and give her a cuddle for the tenth time that day, cat hair on the linen *pfft* there's a washing machine for that. She was pushing 100 in human years, I figured she'd earned the right to be given the run of the house and waited on hand and foot. I simply cannot fathom rehoming a cat at that age, or treating an elderly cat with such negative energy. But maybe Pump is better off having been rehomed to a place that can show him the sort of love and care he deserves in his golden years, rather than having to put up with being shouted at and things being thrown at him. How do you even begin to think that's appropriate behaviour for a 23 year old cat, I just...the mind, it boggles.


i HATED that B*&#h. she was pretty on the outside , but completely UGLY in the inside.
i wonder what is she going to do when her baby starts walking and touches her precious silk.


did Jackson ever comment on the actions she did? did he say anything like how angry and disappointed he was with her?
