MovieChat Forums > Sinister (2012) Discussion > Movie was legendary and then.....

Movie was legendary and then.....

I enjoyed the hell out of the first part of the movie in which you were lured into this extremely creepy serial killer atmosphere in which the mysterious killer chose to store his personal snuff films he made for the new owners of the previous victims home to see. It was layed out perfectly and then BAM *beep* cliche paranormal ghost crap with ghost kids hushing with there index finger. It just became laughable after that especially the attic scene in which the kids faces were black and white decomposing but there arms and legs were normal flesh tone and healthy.

Someone definitely dropped the ball on this flick.


What killed it for me was when Prof. Jonas said the demon "ate" souls.

The soul is indestructible.


If it's indestructible why is he eating them? I guess souls have false advertisement.


Exactly. The false advertisement being this movie.




This is a movie. It is fiction. That means it is not real. It is all made up.

Souls cannot be destroyed. Or eaten.


Sorry if you thought that my reply was unnecessary, meaningless etc. I didn't understood what you tried to say there.


Okay, I wasn't sure what you were asking.



It seems all modern horror is supernatural to some extent these days.

"You work your side of the street, and I'll work mine"



this film should have been a bit more like prisoners.



I'm with you. I knew it was a supernatural movie, but the Super-8 films were horrifying enough and much more intriguing. Especially the hanging one, where they're all on the ground to start with and then slowly raised up. The endless scenes of Ethan Hawke wandering around long dark corridors felt shoe-horned in - as if Derrickson said, "Okay, this is technically a horror film so we better scenes of Ethan Hawke wandering around long dark corridors..."

And those hushy kids - ridiculous and hugely disappointing as a "reveal". Overall, I thought Sinister was a fairly solid effort and Hawke was good. Not that I wanted a "happy ending", but it felt like a let down having the whole family slaughtered.


Not that I wanted a "happy ending", but it felt like a let down having the whole family slaughtered.

My exact reaction. If the ending was inevitable, if the family was doomed to die from the start, it just kinda made the whole movie pointless to me. Idk just a very underwhelming ending.


I agree.

I went to watch this in the theater at noon, alone, while walking around the mall in a free day. The theater was completely empty and I didn't know what movie was I going to watch, or have seen any teasers.

The movie really creeped me out until the kids appeared. From that moment I lost interest and respect for it. And you´re right, it was being legendary, I was completely impressed when the evil being is walking under the water.


Read the thread. It wouldn't have made any sense if it wasn't a supernatural movie.

Best line in DC Comics:


I also agree with the OP, the first half was very effective but those cliche ghost kids showed up and killed the tension, I have no idea why modern horror is so obsessed with 'creepy children', its rarely done in an effective way, a bunch of stage-school child extras in zombie-esque make-up isn't frightening, it's boring


I agree, this would have been better as a non-supernatural story. Like maybe he watches the videos and then he starts getting new films of his family and himself, then they move to get away from the stalker but find out he waits to kill them until they move. Then we just see a final super 8 movie of them being murdered, the end.

"Is that your IQ or the number of dipwads your mother had?" - Car Pool Man


Better? I wouldn't have made any sense as already explained in this thread.

Best line in DC Comics:


Yes better and it could have made perfect sense. Its a movie and they had talented writers that could have come up with all kinds of creative ways to have the movie not have a supernatural explanation. There's an entire genre dedicated to doing exactly this type of film known as Psychological Thriller.

"Is that your IQ or the number of dipwads your mother had?" - Car Pool Man


It truly wouldn't have made any sense no matter what reason was given with these circumstances. Why didn't the police find the tapes during the investigation? Why would a serial killer leave evidence at a crime scene where it could have been turned in into the police(like Hawk's character was going to do) and potentionally led into an arrest along with being connected to other murders?

Best line in DC Comics:


How do you think criminals get caught? Often its because they leave evidence at a crime scene. Maybe he wanted to get caught. There's any number of ways they could have explained that. Also you seem to misunderstand that the idea was for them to make the movie EXACTLY as it was but without having a supernatural explanation. That isn't at all what anyone is saying. The story as is is MOSTLY great, but if they had changed the supernatural parts to be a psychological thriller it would have been better. Changing that stuff allows for any possibility of changes to make the story make sense.

"Is that your IQ or the number of dipwads your mother had?" - Car Pool Man


If a serial killer wanted to get caught, that is the worse way to do it. Chances of someone moving into a house right after a mysterious murder are extremely low wouldn't you agree?

You would have to completely change the premise to make this a psychological thriller that isn't contrived.

Best line in DC Comics:


That is one example of endless reasons that could be given to make the story work if they decided to change it. And no you wouldn't have to completely change the premise of the show to make it psychological. Just because you can't imagine it doesn't mean it couldn't be done.

"Is that your IQ or the number of dipwads your mother had?" - Car Pool Man


I think I can see it from both sides. For me, the beginning of the movie was incredible. Amazing. Like top 100 favorites of mine if it continued the way it started. But, I also enjoyed the moment when Bhugul looked at Ethan through the computer display.

And that wouldn't be possible without it being a horror or supernatural horror film. I think the real problem was just how weak the later parts of the film where. Like the cheap jump scare near the attic. And how there were only a few kids with bad makeup as his victims when he'd been collecting more souls than Shang Tsung.

Yes, they could have tried (I suppose) for the movie to progress after the pool tape where we see Bhugul's face and he's somehow a man. But I don't know if they'd have handled the ending any better than they did in the actual film.

I think it just started strong and ended flimsily, letting a lot of people down.


See I disagree with you on that moment you mentioned. There's no reason they couldn't have that in the movie but have it not be supernatural. One of the main tropes about psychological thrillers is that things are shown which don't actually happen but are actually happening in the main character's mind. That is the point, you see all these supernatural things occurring but in the end find out that it was all just in his head.

If this movie were made as a psychological thriller they could leave the entire movie the same up until the end when you find out that Mr Boogie was just in his head and he was actually going crazy.

"Is that your IQ or the number of dipwads your mother had?" - Car Pool Man


And that is one of the worst, most common cop-out endings we keep seeing today. I actually liked Sinister more than some of the movies that conclude as you described.

Also, it is possible to have a hallucination and know it isn't real. Or to be scared by it and want it to stop, but to later on know for a fact that what you saw didn't take place.


Why would a serial killer leave evidence at a crime scene where it could have been turned in into the police(like Hawk's character was going to do) and potentionally led into an arrest along with being connected to other murders?

If a serial killer wanted to get caught, that is the worse way to do it.

So...which one is it? You certainly can't claim both of these statements are true, yet you made both. Sometimes refusing to simply go "gee...I might be wrong here" gets someone painted into a corner...


This post is over a year old.


What's your point? Watched the movie today and decided to check the board for it out. I'm guessing that was the best you could do though. Cute.


You didn't even bother to check the date you? Its okay to admit it.


I didn't, and have no problem saying so. If you don't want comments before a certain days replied to, get off you happy ass and delete them. Any response to the actual tenant things I posted?


Anyone unhappy with the ghost kids development, have you seen the movie Session 9? This movie has a strong starting premise, but where it loses it with the kids in spooky makeup, a film such as Session 9 lets the power of suggestion and a juxtaposition of audio tapes with one character's decent into madness play out in a more subtle way. May want to check out that one. It worked better for me.


I also agree that a it would have been more intriguing as a non-supernatural thriller. The music was creepy and Ethan keeping the lights off in the house was creepy but neither were interesting for me. Overall I was disappointed in this movie.


Yeah, I felt exactly the same way: such a great start and then all the silliness with the veiny brats, etc. Could have been a classic if they'd kept going with the gritty serial killer plot. Damn.
