MovieChat Forums > Bachelorette (2012) Discussion > The most misogynistic thing I have ever ...

The most misogynistic thing I have ever seen

Amazing. I'm not saying it is not realistic, but usually this is not shown.

None of the female characters was remotely likable, all were self-absorbed, vapid, petty, messed up, had lots of issues, were emotionally unstable and all just needed a strong male to set them straight.

I wouldn't date any of them. Really.

And I'm saying this as a guy.



It has its moments that I think are supposed to shock you, make you uncomfortable, etc. Because yes, the characters messed up and emotionally unstable and don't treat each other well.

Nowhere does it say that we're supposed to love any of these characters, strive to emulate their behavior, or that male audience members should WANT to date them, as you say. Lol.

In this movie, we're supposed to enjoy the train wreck but that doesn't mean we should admire the women (or men) just because they're characters in a movie. I actually appreciated for a change seeing female characters that were often unlikeable and acting out badly. We get to see male characters do that all the time in movies, and we don't question the morality or the greater societal message of having badly behaving men in movies. A woman doesn't watch a comedy full of badly behaving men and go, "OMG. This movie sucks, because I would never DATE any of them!" Comedies are full of messed up characters.

So why can't women behave badly too? Is the measure of whether a female character is well-written or interesting based on whether or not a guy would want to date them? Ugh. Think about what you're saying.


Well, I think you need a dictionary. That is not what misogyny means.

And this film was written and directed by a woman.

It's an ordinary high school day. Except that it's not.
