The Sex Scenes

Alright if you're a guy, I mean yeah I guess they'd be hot regardless. But coming from a pansexual who's had sex with a number of women, its painfully obvious that these girls, the producers, the choreographers or whoever decided what lesbian sex is, has obviously never had or seen woman on woman sex. They were throwing some positions and moves out there that were just plain inconvenient. I mean obviously, not an A+ blockbuster movie, mediocre acting and all that, but it was still pretty watchable, though I might just have low standards when it comes to my two chicks falling in love movies...

Just wanted to put my two cents in about the awfully choreographed sex scenes


That part was disappointing. So many lesbian movies include the most bizarre and lame sex scenes, I don't get it, just ask somebody if you don't know! All films should be like Bound and hire a sex coordinator ;)


They were ridiculous. It also seemed like the girls might have been confused by *beep* directing of the sex scenes because they didn't know how to coordinate the intimacy. The girls' acting was great during dialogue scenes but they seemed unnatural and distracted during sex and I doubt it was the woman on woman experience.


Not everyone has "sex" the same way, not sure why people are up in arms about the way they were feeling each other up. It's entirely subjective.


I mean, this was a low-budget movie that was more or less meant to be a lighthearted kitschy romp. It's halfway between a Skinemax softcore movie and a Hallmark Channel movie, so of course the sex scenes weren't going to be realistic.

IIRC, the director and the women who appeared in the movie said that it was just a quick project and wasn't intended to be a realistic depiction of lesbian relationships.
