all episodes so far

All right, so this will be a grab-bag post, and advance warning, maybe long-winded.

Not much of a narcissist, but in case anyone’s wondering, in advance, full schedule lately, got behind on my stories, and last night I just finally watched the most recent five episodes (had already seen the premiere). Not hard to make different posts for each episode, but I didn’t want to inundate the wall, and binge-ing like that can make events bleed into each other in the mind, not easy to always recall which event in which episode. Just wanted to clear that up so people wouldn’t wonder/ask why the post so long and about those episodes. And didn’t want to leave it at the end for those who don’t make it that far ;)


Episode 2

This show is seeming really timely. I feel like Kai illustrates how conspiracies begin. Because we don’t always really know what’s going on behind the scenes.

I felt like his conversation with Ally at the door was like Trump and HRC talking.

The blackout sequence was freaky as hell, kept waiting for it to be revealed as a dream. And then I thought that it would turn out to be a set-up in that Ally would tell Ivy about it and Winter and Harrison would both be all “Um, never happened, never even saw you that night” or something. Also wondered if Winter somehow used the bath salts to drug Ally and make her hallucinate.

Saw it from a mile away she’d shoot Pedro. You don’t want someone with a gun when they’re that witless.

Episode 3

Obviously the psychiatrist uses his business as a front for the cult to practice their messed-up ways.

I feel like it’d be awesome for Ivy to find out that Ally is right about everything, but at a time when they’re physically apart, and have Ivy die before making it back to Ally, that’d be heavy.

Again, Kai is Trump, getting into one’s head and manipulating.

Curious, I remember reading Evan Peters will be playing different characters this season, like Manson and Jones and so on. I wonder if they’ll be more connected, like, they’re all really the same person, or different iterations of the same evil or something. Kind of like how Randall Flagg in Stephen King books. And “from now on, everyone else is wrong.” Effective, hits home.

Stupid Ally, should never have left Oz alone, even by the front door, knew he’d be gone when she turned back.

Episode 4

Okay so while it’s amazing I kind of fear that due to it being amazing, the creative team will run with it and try to make every season be a social commentary. Fine to an extent, but story should come first.

Poor Beverly. I can completely see that happening to a reporter, going viral over that nonsense and then going crazy over it. Surprised it hasn't happened yet.

Loved the use of the word “bigly.”

The way Kai recruits is so creepy. I think that’s one of the creepiest things in the show, because it’s so realistic. You can see how these people are in bad places in their lives, and how he uses that to his advantage, and gets into their heads. It’s amazing because so many of his followers have different views, and per those, shouldn’t get along, but they are because they’re all following him. Like Ivy and Winter and Gary. Obviously they tied him up because of Trump v Clinton and shouldn’t get along. But then we see the election is sort of incidental, and they’re just followers of Kai. Because it’s about stirring shit up.

Episode 5

Haha the irony of a lesbian having a phobia of holes. Irrelevant and tongue-in-cheek, yes, but worth noticing in a Ryan Murphy show haha.

Love how on occasion Winter’s hair recalls Leia Organa.

Most messed up episode ever. I just really have nothing else for it. The nailgun, omg.

Episode 6

Dang. Again, Kai is Trump. Shows how he’s impossibly smart and playing the whole system. That shooting played everyone into his hand. And so smart how he plays his followers off one another.

Kept thinking Ally needs to get herself into a mode of realizing no one can be trusted and always followed. Of course that would still lead to her downfall. I'm assuming she can trust Oz, but you never know with this show, and I'm sure the cult will have plans for him.

^ Was semi-tired for the last two episodes but had to finish and get my mental diarrhea out ;)
