MovieChat Forums > Mass Effect 3 (2012) Discussion > How does anyone pick the Geth over the Q...

How does anyone pick the Geth over the Quarians

I've just completed my 2nd playthrough of all 3 games and this time Tali wasn't loyal. I unexpectedly had to choose between the Geth and the Quarians for survival.

While I liken Koris's fleet to the Germans and their 'we had to do what Hitler and the SS told us' excuses for what they allowed to happen in their own country, I am surprised that anyone would pick the Geth over the Quarians. Yes, the Quarians forced them to rebel. Yes, the Geth had the right to defend their existence when they came under attack. No, imo, the Quarians aren't entitled to the homeworld after 300 years and deserve an ass kicking. When it comes to which race should be annihilated, though, that's a whole other matter.

There are children in the Quarian flotilla. As much as I loved Legion and side with the Geth in the Quarian war, I can't kill children. The Geth don't have children. The Geth are true AI's, yes, but they are, for all intents and purposes, mobile computers. No matter how self-aware they are, there are no children to be preserved.

I can condemn the Quarians for their selfish need to take what they want at all costs, but I can't condemn every Quarian child to death because their parents are too stupid to see the forest for the trees.


I spent way too much time fighting Geth to ever trust them.

I couldn't imagine a better fate than a long and lustrous winter! 


Back up a second here: how is a world of origin NOT your home world. I think if were born on planet earth, that is your home world. Likewise if you were born on Pluto, that would make you a plutonian

Rule #2: Double Tap
Rule #32: Enjoy the little things


I am Irish and Native American. My father was Native American and my mother was Irish. My father and I are American because we were both born here. My mother was not American. She was born in Ireland and that is her home country. No matter how you slice it, despite my being 1/2 Irish, my home country will never be Ireland because I was born in America.

None of the Quarians living today ever lived on Rannoch, therefore, it is not their planet. They also lived on another planet before being booted off by the council. Does that make that planet their home planet? No, because none of them were born there.

America is my country of origin and the flotilla is the origin of every living Quarian today. The Quarians have no right to Rannoch. That's like saying my tribe has every right to wage war against the white man to get our land back that my ancestors were murdered for 200 years ago (not that we wouldn't like to ). Does that seem reasonable to you?

Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell.


"Where you're born" is a bit simple. Why such a link with where your mother happened to be at the time? The town I was born in - my parents were only there for a few years, and we moved away a couple of months after I was born. I've no connection to it. Then you get stories of people born on planes half way across the Atlantic - what's their home country?

The quarians surely have a right to be able to survive; the question is whether anywhere else is viable for them. They say the flotilla is getting old and knackered.


I seriously think that you as a cultural group should take back your lands from the white man oppressive government ;p. You know this land better than we do and I'm a white man saying that. It's not saying it's not your land anymore if the government uprooted you. You just were moved. Uprooting you entirely would be like our government moving you to Siberia or Africa (a place where you don't truely belong)

As for the Quarians, it would still be their home world even after 300 years. The Geth were the white man that moved in and then colonized. The fact that they haven't lived there and nobody else moved in on beside the Geth still makes it their homeworld.

Rule #2: Double Tap
Rule #32: Enjoy the little things


It's the geth's homeworld just as much as the quarians though. They didn't move in, they weren't from anywhere else.

The white man who's been living somewhere all his life knows just as much or more about where he lives compared to someone whose ancestors did but he's never been there, whatever the rights and wrongs of how that situation ended up. The sins of the father aren't the sins of the children.


I am Irish and Native American.
Ahh, the drunkest kind of stupid.

The first transport is away... hey!


You comparing a segment of the Quarians which are attacking the Geth to Hitler kinda explains it. It's not that I hate all Quarians or think they're bad, but a sizable portion are pushing for genocide of another species. And if push comes to shove, I'm probably going to pick the species which is just trying to defend itself instead of the one which has active aggressors and HOPE that there are somehow some survivors.

Of course, this also would have to take into account whether or not you consider the geth an actual form of life (one of ME's main themes.... up until the last minute or so, but ignoring that). I do, so either way, I see that a bunch of innocent people are going to die and I'm stuck piking the less awful choice. Flipside, if you really see them as just robots, most people would pick actual life over them purely because of how much value they put on legitimate life vs. AI life

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


If having to choose one side, a large part of my reasoning was "which will give us the best chance of beating the Reapers?", with the consideration that if we were to lose the war, we'd be looking at most life being wiped out (not just the Quarians). And I saw the Geth as being a superior fighting force (and I think they do contribute greater war assets).

The other part is a lot of what you mentioned, and which I think Shepard summed up best when he (something to the effect of) Quarians being "unreliable from the start." I certainly had more trust in Legion and the Geth than in the Quarians and their leadership.


Obviously I choose both, but this is my take were I forced to choose only one or the other. I agree for the most part about not condemning the current Quarians for the 300+ year old mistakes of past Quarians, but I would still choose the Geth honestly. More Quarians than not unfortunately still seem to be stuck in a negative mindset towards the Geth. Their choice to start a war during the Reaper invasion more or less shows this. They made a very poor decision there. So in a situation in which the galaxy is experiencing an extinction level event, unfortunately I feel that the Geth would be more cooperative and they seem more advanced than the Quarians too. It would be a terribly unfortunate thing, but I feel it's the better option considering the circumstances.

"Once you assume a creator and a plan, it makes us objects in an experiment." - Christopher Hitchens


i'll never understand why Paragon players have such an issue with the way Renegade players make decisions.

"How could you possibly shoot Mordin?"
"How could you destroy the data?"

Because it makes the game more interesting, and personally i took the oath of doing whatever it takes to protect the galaxy seriously. the ending of ME3 makes a lot more sense as a Renegade i can tell you that. if you're a white knight leading up to that point you're basically forced to do a 180 of your personality because of the starchild.
