MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Love this movie, but T'Challa was a hypo...

Love this movie, but T'Challa was a hypocrite

So he was all for the Sokovia accords and shoving a leash up the ass of enhanced people in Civil War, yet he immediately goes into his own movie doing missions in other African countries and Seoul. And I seriously doubt he got Thunderbolt ross' stamp of approval before doing it.


We already knew this in Civil War. He and his father supported the Accords but then his father was killed and he wanted to go after Barnes by himself to kill him. I wish they had brought that up in this movie and in Civil War. Like "hey, you say you're in favor of the Accords but yet you acted without approval because of vengeance. So it's ok to act unilaterally when you feel it's personal?"
