Didn't finish it

I watched the first half hour of the film and it was a grind. I found it to slow and tried too hard to be arty and cleverer than it actually was. It was just wierd; not that I mind wierd movies but this wasn't for me.


If you'd stuck around til the end, you would've seen that it was exactly as clever as it thought it was. That said, I can completely understand how this just isn't some people's thing. Nothing wrong with that.

When is a sidewalk fully dressed? When it's Waring Hudsucker!


Now I hope I can wake up in the morn for my early AM film class



Yes, the intro was way too long. They don't get to the doppelganger until track 5 and nothing that comes before is at all compelling. The protagonist is very boring. He seems hopeless only because he doesn't seem to care to try, so he doesn't engage our sympathy. The girl doesn't seem particularly interesting either.

I finished it, but it was very tough going all the way.
