MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom 2 (2011) Discussion > David seems to be Jenelle's best guy so ...

David seems to be Jenelle's best guy so far

From what they show on camera, David and Jenelle seem to be a good couple. They don't fight much.
It's not a vicious relationship like she had with Nathan. David seems to really love Kaiser as well.
What am I missing?? Is David too good to be true??


There is something off with David. He just hasn't shown it yet...Probably because of the money. I also think Jenelle doesn't care who is there as long as someone is. That's why she puts up with all of the non sense fighting and craziness with every boyfriend she has.


I don't even know why this is up for discussion unless OP missed some episodes. There was one on the boat, when he said something mean to Kaiser.

Every episode shows him in a bad light, and he's no different than any other man Jenelle has ever had.


I think not only is he dangerous and scary, but don't let the country bumpkin thing fool you, he's not dumb. When those cameras are rolling he's mister freakin rogers. He probably does love kaiser and seems sweet with him but he's probably just replacing the son he's legally not allowed to see. But it's obvious on janelle. I mean where is crazy pregnant janelle?! She's scared of him. She tells him every move Nathan makes and she said 'you know what we talk about from my texts.' He has constant open access to her phone at all times. Probably keeps it on him when cameras aren't there. Someone made a point earlier janelle was stunted at an early age and was immature at that. She and babs have made well for themselves considering. She should have given every one of those kids up for adoption. They could have all had beautiful lives with parents who would die before they put them in one of the dozens of situations janelle puts them in all the time.


At first I thought they were a good match too because they don't have screaming, fighting matches like she and Nathan had. Also I don't see them doing drugs like she and Keifer did. But at the same time he does seem like the quiet, angry, jealous type. I agree that something seems off about him. I feel sorry for the kids though. Jenelle seems to think, "Oh, I have another new boyfriend, better have a kid with him to hang on to him."
