MovieChat Forums > A Gifted Man (2011) Discussion > I hate Anna's constant stupid smile

I hate Anna's constant stupid smile

Just that.


Here, here

Uber-smug in every way. Watched the pilot and then 1 minute of episode 2 and that will be it for me.


By far, this is the most trivial and ridiculous comment I've read to date on IMDB.


I agree. I just started watching the series and I can't stand her at all, I want her gone already, she's annoying and she brings nothing to the show. I don't like the actress and the character either. When will she disappear for good? I just started watching.



In fact, I just stopped watching the show because of her. I don't want to have to watch her anymore. Show is OVER.


How about the fact that her practice was in shambles until he found someone else to run it and he could do that while running his own state of the art facility?

He didn't appear to be unhappy enough to have a visit from an ex wife. He didn't act like he was that saddened by her death when he first learned of it. He wasn't that happy to see her at the restaurant.

She had nothing to smile about. It could be just her hiding embarrassment, however it's just the typical way of doing it these days where the woman is wise beyond her years and the man needs her guidance even if his life says otherwise.


She is dead let her smile.


Would you like it better if she didn't smile, sometimes and not other times, did you explain all this to her?

Of all the things to bother you, you hate that someone is smiling in a way you don't like. Let the lady smile. There are worse things in a person to let bother you. We all have our differences, I'd let that one go.

Her smile is a bit out of the norm, but it also helps set her apart from the living and is just what the doctor needs to get that chip off of his shoulder. It has its place and works.

It doesn't have to bother you. But if you just can't help it, let her smile put a frown on your face or don't watch her.

Life is like Wikipedia: There are no Facts, Just Popular Opinion


YES!!!! Thank you!!!
