MovieChat Forums > Ridiculousness (2011) Discussion > That chick has the most annoying laugh

That chick has the most annoying laugh

It sounds so fake and forced. She offers no substance to the show but bland eye candy for 12 year olds. God I hate her laugh.


She sounds like a porpoise.


She is by far the worst part of this show. I can't tell if she's playing a character or really is that stupid. I don't know what's worse, when she just sits there or tries to be funny and ends up sounding like a total moron. Either way, how much money does she get paid to contribute NOTHING??

Replace her and that other dude with Big Black and a rotation of guest panelists. Then we'd be talking.

This is terrrrrrrible...this is terrible.....


I actually think her laugh is funny and some of her reactions to painful falls and such make me laugh. My one annoyance from her is when they introduce her at the beginning and she has to hold her hand in the shape of a W to represent West Coast. Reminds me of something I did at 12 on video tape and then saw years later and got pretty embarrassed about it.

"They have a grill, it's this grill. Now you have's called America."


omg, who is she?? is she rob's sister? friend? girlfriend? i want to know!!!


I think her laugh is completely adorable.


Chanel is the main reason I watch this show. I love seeing her reactions and her laugh doesn't bother me in the least. She reminds me of a few hot ditzy babes I know in real-life so she can be as silly as she wants!



Came here for the same reason as just about all these other posters. How is this bitch even still on the show with such negative feedback. I know we're not the only ones.

As much as I try to get through an entire episode, I just can't, and she is the sole reason why.

- The General has spoken.


And let's not forget Rob's wonderful commentary on the videos. 


"Came here for the same reason as just about all these other posters. How is this bitch even still on the show with such negative feedback. I know we're not the only ones"

I like her. And I like her laugh. So THATS how she is still on the show...because your opinion isnt the only one that counts


She's so pointless! She doesn't even talk or add any commentary, she literally just sits there and laughs obnoxiously.

Hi. I'm a 20-year-old female, so don't call me an idiot.


I think she's one of the prettiest chicks on TV. My son watched it in my hospital room when I was there for a week, and several times I made him switch channels because of that annoying laugh. But over time, I began to enjoy the show, and I'm currently DVRing the older episodes. She slowly went from annoying to tolerable to endearing. I'll admit she is absolutely worthless in her role, however. I'd like to make whatever money she gets paid to do nothing except laugh like a deranged hyena. She adds virtually nothing of value to the show, except the eye candy part, and I'm a little surprised a lot of you don't agree that she's gorgeous. What she lacks in any manner of talent is made up for by just sitting there and being hot.
