MovieChat Forums > Penn & Teller: Fool Us (2014) Discussion > PLEASE!! BRING BACK JONATHAN ROSS!


I just watched Penn and Teller: Fool Us, season 3, episode 1.

Jonathan Ross...where are you??

Alyson Hannigan you were funny on "How I Met Your Mother", but this show unfortunately is NOT your forte!

She is wooden in her presentations and acts as if this is her first job in show business!

Stop reading the cards, or at least learn your lines! It reminds me of "Saturday Night Live!"

Again....Jonathan Ross....please come back! I miss you!


I miss him too. An engaging interviewer and skilled at treading water until P&T come back with a potential reveal. Alyson Hannigan's voice bugs me to no end, and she seems uncomfortable.


It occured to me yesterday -- I think Brad Sherwood would liven it up and make it fun, since Ross is unavailable.

The New Number 2: "Are you going to run?"
Number 6: "Like blazes. First chance I get."


anyone know why they didnt bring jonathan ross back?


Making Woss disappear and having Hannigan appear in the host role is P&T's most amazing trick and accomplishment yet. I am very pleased. Woss was always the weakest link on the show, and the host role is not that demanding after all. Just be pleasant, upbeat and easy to understand. Hannigan nails it. Woss did not.

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!



I agree -- Woss needed to go. Ross was much better. ;-)

Not only is Hannigan horrible at it, it's made me see her in a whole new way, and it's very, very nagative. She's the weakest link and needs to go.

The New Number 2: "Are you going to run?"
Number 6: "Like blazes. First chance I get."


I watched Wednesday's episode, and I actually thought Alyson did a pretty decent job of hosting. I agree she has been pretty bad up until now, but maybe she's finally finding her footing.


These aren't being filmed and then aired a few weeks later, all of season three was filmed in a short period in April, and edited into various orders. There was no footing to find, you just found one where she isn't struggling to read the telepromperter in a believable way, struggling to speak coherent sentences, or give awkward laughs.

Even at her best, she's still utterly terrible. This was not her calling. And I'd go beyond her to who ever it was who casted her.

The New Number 2: "Are you going to run?"
Number 6: "Like blazes. First chance I get."


These aren't being filmed and then aired a few weeks later, all of season three was filmed in a short period in April, and edited into various orders

I agree each episode appears to be made up of different bits edited together. But that doesn't mean there isn't any sort of timeline to it at all. Perhaps most of the acts from the early shows were filmed earlier and the later bits were taken from later filming.

In any case, for whatever reason, I thought she did a much better job on Wednesday than she had been doing. I didn't get to see Fridays episode yet because it was pre-empted because of severe weather.


Every news article I have found shows it was filmed in April, and one of the guys in the last two episodes, filmed his segment in April, too. That's the reason for the never-changing blue dress -- they wanted to be able to edit all the filming into any episode as needed. There was no later filming. This jives with the wikipedia page for the series that showed the first season, overseas, was filmed over ten days. Another article reported two hours were filmed one day, so at thirteen episodes this season, that means at least six days, at two a day.

The New Number 2: "Are you going to run?"
Number 6: "Like blazes. First chance I get."


There was no later filming

When I say later filming, I mean the filming that was done later than the first filming. Even if it was just later in the day. Like if it was all filmed in one day, maybe by the seventh hour she was more comfortable in the host role by then.


She was really rough in the first episode like she didn't know what to do, but I felt she found her footing back in the second episode, and her confidence over the rest of the season. What I don't know is if the roughness of the first episode was because she was expected to just wing it and wasn't used to working without a script, or because whoever was writing for her was really writing for Jonathan Ross instead and it just didn't mesh with her personality. Whatever the case, the jokes ever since have felt more like they belong to her than that she was just plugged into someone else's act.

You know what noone tells you about cooking with the Dark Side? The food is really good!


She is so bad
