Why over the past few years has Hollywood tried to make these bull****, unrealistic relationships? I don't understand it all, how does one of the goofiest, ugliest, most pathetic guys in America (not worth mentioning his name) hook up with one of the prettiest new women on TV (Aya Cash)? First it was Jonah Hill with Emma Stone (LOLs for life), Jason Segal with Kristen Bell/Mila Kunis, then to top it off Seth "Kermit" Rogan with CAMERON DIAZ!?!? It's painful to watch these poor women attempt their best acting just to look these losers in the eyes. I can't watch this type of nonsense anymore. Sorry FOX, I like Glee, love Raising Hope, changing the channel when this **** comes on!


I was going to say the same thing! It's getting worse. In this world a hot Jennifer Aniston is 'not good enough' for a tubby Adam Sandler. Please make it stop!


Jealousy is a bitch! Ain't it?

Had I been told earlier that sharing a sense of humor was so vital, I could've avoided a lot of sex


Well, i would have been aboard with your rambling nonsens, until i got out of the closet. Just a thought for you to chew. :-) But seriously i also think you should try to work a bit on your selfestimm if you like girls then go for the hotties, i have a lot of beautiful women friends who ain't sallow (I am gay, not blind). If a girl is sallow then why the hell should the lesser atractiv guys go out with them. We have learned that popularity isn't all. Hey i am a geek and i wouldn't change that to go out with a hotter woman, or in my case a hotter guy. So don't judge a book by it's cover, judge people for who they are. And in all honesty i wouldn't mind going out with that kind of guy either, he seems nice. funny and like he got something between the ears and can still be goofy sometimes. What's not to like. And with your logic i think you will stop watching Raising Hope at some point, i don't think Jimmy and Sabrina can keep on just being friends. :-)


I decided to throw out your opinion when you said you liked Glee. I know Jason Segal and Kristen Bell was so less believable than the cheerleader and the kid in the wheelchair....that happens in high schools all over the country. Way to shoot down the basis for your own argument.


I am now middle-aged, and aging badly, but I was very attractive when I was young (had a couple of requests to model for things that were just not for me, ie. page 3 of the Toronto Sun *shudder*), but the man I dated and eventually married was physically attractive by very few people's standards. I loved him anyway because he had character traits and hobbies that I appreciated and he wasn't remotely interested in sports or strip clubs. We are coming up on our 25th anniversary, so a big raspberry to all those people who thought I was "too good" for him way back when. And since this situation DOES happen in real life, I tend to give it a pass in fiction.

For the record, the dark haired dude with the glasses you are bitchsnivelling about is one of various types I find to be most physically appealing.


Dude, I see fat, ugly dudes with hot chicks all the time. I have seen hot women dating midgets, and people that are badly burnt. A guy I know was in a bad motorcycle accident without a helmet, his face is badly scarred.
He met a woman 2 years after the accident that would be considered smokin hot by most guys standards, they married not a month after they met, and he works construction. Most women are not as shallow as most us guys are, and look past the surface. Actually the common thing I hear from women on why they like a dude, is if that they make them laugh, not how they look.
If you are in love with someone for who they are, then what they look like isn't really going to matter.
Just because you might not have had luck with women, doesn't mean that nobody can have it.


Personality does play a part in relationship. How could you forget that one? If they're a complete bore then I'd question why, but humor is attractive. I personally can't stand a cute guy with a crap personality.



Maybe these guys are not the most attractive but they are engaging. Isn't it more about being a good match than looks. Also, I don't understand why someone would say these guys are losers. They seem like regular guys to me. They have jobs, seem somewhat responsible, and also happy with their lives. In no way does the show paint them as losers.




It sounds like you got dumped bad, on your ass, because of your looks, for someone a lot hotter.
Some people just aren't that shallow. Personality usually would take precedence over other traits in any *happy* relationship.
