MovieChat Forums > American Hustle (2013) Discussion > what is wrong With you people?

what is wrong With you people?

American Hustle was a fantastic movie! I loved every part of it, the story, the acting, casting, writing, etc. And more importantly it made me a new fan of Christian Bale and David O Russell. Isn't that one of the goals of a big movie with an all star cast? (At least for the studios anyway) To draw in people who wouldn't have otherwise been interested? I was very happy to see Amy Adams show some depth instead of her usual character. Jennifer Lawrence, though cliche (and maybe even stereotypical) was very entertaining. The characters were strong and memorable. The movie invokes emotion (another goal of a good movie). Laughter, concern, frustration, stress, sorrow and the whole nine. How can anybody not like it?


It was watchable and that's about it.

I felt like I was watching something that Martin Scorcese has already done ten times, has been done by ten more directors and then was being forced onto me with zero character development, a group of name actors and a horrible - and I mean horrible - ending.

I just watched it for the first time and struggled to make it through the movie.

Curious as to the "depth" you saw in Amy Adams in this thing. She was horrible. Damn near completely ruined the movie.

If you like it, you like it though.


Watched it for the first time since it's theater release, and liked it so much, I watched it again. Exhilarating, addictive, resonant.


I find it interesting that most people who criticise movies don't say much at all. All they say is they don't like it, with usually a few unqualified, subjective statements, which shows they are not being critical at all and just complaining.

I find it equally interesting that most people who make interesting or positive comment on a film do it with articulation, intelligence and reason.

On the basis of this reasoning, I would say it's a very good film, given the amount of constructive comments in positive reviews. I think it is great, for a number of reasons, most of which are noted in the original post.


''I find it interesting that most people who criticise movies don't say much at all. All they say is they don't like it, with usually a few unqualified, subjective statements, which shows they are not being critical at all and just complaining.

I find it equally interesting that most people who make interesting or positive comment on a film do it with articulation, intelligence and reason. ''

I have certainly noticed this too. Typical bad review of certain films 'So overrated! I hated it, that's two hours I won't get back. Anyone who says they like it is wrong and just pretending to look smart.'





Doesn't absolutely everyone criticize some movies, and celebrate others? Or do you know anyone who loves all movies or hates all movies? Thus if most positive comments are intelligent, then most people have the ability to post intelligent comments obviously, but only if they say something positive about a movie.?

The logical conclusion is actually that almost every movie is good, and most people are worth listening too, since only positive comments are constructive and intelligent, and worth listening too, and most movies has someone who really likes them.

Great. No more bad movies!

Actually I do think it's pretty true. Most movies are good for someone. But most movies are also bad movies for someone. And then we are back where we started.

Maybe people simply is more motivated to post constructive comments about what they like than what they dislike. To like or not like is the most important and valid statement of all when it comes to art, in my view. I think many great directors would agree.


Agree! Great Movie!!!!!

Take care..... Peace To All



I totally agree.

The soundtrack & use of it was stellar, too, IMHO.

And also the interweaving of the multiple hustles between the characters throughout the film (and not just the major ones) were wonderfully done.

I watched it for a third time recently and this time (as I already knew well what was going to happen), I found myself transfixed by the 70's décor & props throughout. Amazing detail there.

"Shake your hair girl with your ponytail"


It's a good movie for all those reasons...

But the frustration with the characters was too much for me. Never watching it again. Every single character embodied some aspect of what fcking makes my blood boil about the human species. Hated them all, intensely, throughout the entire movie.

... In other words; awesome acting.


Smokes - let's go!


Agreed! It was Scorsese awesome! And that is very rare indeed.

It had no flaws at all. All of the acting was fantastic, no weakness in the chain on any level.

Everyone played their part they way they should have and you had real feelings for the characters and how their lives turned out.



This movie was OK, in my opinion. Nothing special really, 7/10. Not superb acting, average plot, very few emotional pieces.

I exist.


You gave it a higher rating than me. First time I saw it, I gave it a 6/10. Second time, it stayed at 6/10. There won't be a third time.


I am on the road less traveled...


Its just that there's some non-retards around y'know?

Though there are still 2.5 hours to go, I already know that this is the funniest post I will read today.

Your mama was a snowblower!


I try to like this movie but it's a big giant turkey that go nowhere ! Sure, the actors are good... but it does not save the movie. Looks too much like a 70s exploitation when it's not... just a director orgasmic film that lack every aspect to be entertaining and fun. It's just blend. And yeah it has to be entertaining, it'S a big budget hollywood !


What's your example of a good film then?
